ES6 new technology promise

promise is a new method proposed by ES6 to solve asynchronous programming problems. 1. Synchronous and asynchronous 1) Synchronization task: Task 2 cannot be executed until task 1 is executed. Synchronization tasks are directly placed in the main thread. 2) Asynchronous task: asynchronous tasks are placed in the event queue. Asynchronous task ...

Added by jomofee on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 11:12:20 +0200

[Vue]vue2.6 detailed explanation of Vue class component and Vue property decorator using TS

vue2.6 middle pair typescript support Vue CLI 3 can generate new projects using TypeScript. # 1. If Vue CLI is not installed, install it first cnpm install --global @vue/cli # 2. Create a new project and select the "Manually select features" option vue create my-project-name 1. vue-class-component vue-class-component It is the of ...

Added by drorgo on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 09:18:08 +0200

JavaScript note 8(DOM, innerText and innerHTML, DOM addition, deletion and modification, using DOM to operate css)

DOM 1. What is DOM 2. Node (1) The childNodes property will obtain all nodes including text nodes. According to the blank space between DOM tags, it will also be regarded as text nodes. In IE8 browser, blank text will not be regarded as word nodes (2) The children attribute can get all the child elements of the current elemen ...

Added by rifts on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 08:24:15 +0200

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project

How to rent AutoDL graphics card running project Use steps 1. Rent new instance reference AutoDL-GPU rental platform tutorial,AutoDL quick start 2. Install the personal version of XShell 7 + xftp7. Be careful to download XShell first and then xftp, otherwise - 1603 fatal error will be reported during xftp download. reference resources ...

Added by darthmahon on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 07:16:00 +0200

Common methods in projects

catalogue 1, Array string conversion method 1. Convert string or number to array 2. Convert array to string 2, Time - common conversion methods 1. Prohibit selection of Sundays 2. Prohibit date selection interval (1) Start date use (2) End date usage 3. Enter the date and return the date in the specified format 4. Pass in the date and ...

Added by NDK1971 on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 04:31:19 +0200

Usage and difference between CommonJS and ES6 MODULE

CommonJS usage Note: exports, not exports export //Through module Exports exports an object that stores function functions or data or a specific value //When importing, use the user-defined variable obj FN1 () can be used module.exports = { fn1: function () { console.log("fn1") }, flag: true, arr: [], } //You can also export dire ...

Added by WendyLady on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:59:16 +0200

Create an online music player using HTML, CSS and JS (including free and complete source code)

Jump straight to the end Get the complete source code Today, I'll take you to create with HTML, CSS and JS music player , no other libraries are used. Our music player has three parts. Home screen, player section and playlist section. Our home page section has a smooth work slider and horizontal scrolling. The best part of this music play ...

Added by mslinuz on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:55:35 +0200

An article takes you to use vue to complete a complete background

introduce vue-element-admin Is a background front-end solution based on vue and element-ui realization. It uses the latest front-end technology stack, built-in i18 internationalization solution, dynamic routing and permission verification, refines the typical business model and provides rich functional components. It can help you quickly build ...

Added by fandelem on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:37:07 +0200

[hiprint] usage of hiprint (with use cases) solutions to the problem of hiprint table data transmission

hiprint printing table data cannot be bound solution Cause of event:Problem Description:hiprint use teaching:hiprint case (with download address): Dependency import of hiprint Case code explanation: Cause of event: Because I had to get a a4 paper printing function (embedded in the web page) two days ago, I got very angry because of ...

Added by Arnerd on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 21:00:58 +0200

vue Front End Cross-Domain Solution

Why cross-domain: When browsers access non-homologous web addresses, access is restricted and cross-domain issues occur. There are three common cross-domain types: jspn cross-domain, principle: generate script tags dynamically, introduce interface addresses through script tags (because script tags do not exist cross-domain)cors Cross Domain ...

Added by raahool_16 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 19:38:35 +0200