[Silicon Valley] Vue JS from introduction to mastery notes (updated daily)

catalogue Chapter 1: Vue core 1-1. Introduction to Vue1-2.Vue official website Guide1-3. Build Vue development environment1-4. First meet Vue1-5. Template syntax1-6. Data binding1-7. Two ways of writing el and data1-8.MVVM model1-9. Data proxy 1-9-1. Review object Defineproperty method1-9-2. What is a data broker1-9-3. Data broker in V ...

Added by Masca on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 07:00:34 +0200

[Web three piece set] Introduction to JavaScript WebAPI

Article catalogue 1. WebAPI background 1.1 basic introduction to APIWebapi basic introduction 2. Basic concepts of DOM 2.1 introduction to DOM2.2 DOM tree 3 get elements 3.1 querySelector3.2 querySelectorAll 4. Event introduction 4.1 basic concepts4.2 three elements of event4.3 click event 5. Operation elements 5.1 get / modify ...

Added by skalar on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:57:12 +0200

[Web three piece set] arrays, functions and objects of JavaScript

Article catalogue 1. Array 1.1 basic concepts1.2 creating arrays1.3 get array elements1.4 adding array elements1.5 deleting array elements1.6 traversing array elements 2. Function 2.1 basic concepts2.2 syntax format2.3 number of parameters2.4 function expression2.5 scope2.6 scope chain 3. Object 3.1 basic concepts3.2 creating objects3 ...

Added by st89 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:57:36 +0200

[hiprint] usage of hiprint (with use cases) solutions to the problem of hiprint table data transmission

hiprint printing table data cannot be bound solution Cause of event:Problem Description:hiprint use teaching:hiprint case (with download address): Dependency import of hiprint Case code explanation: Cause of event: Because I had to get a a4 paper printing function (embedded in the web page) two days ago, I got very angry because of ...

Added by zak on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 06:45:35 +0200

Interpretation of Vue source code (12) -- patch

When learning becomes a habit, knowledge becomes common sense. Thank you for your attention, likes, collections and comments.The new video and articles will be sent to WeChat official account for the first time. Li YongningThe article has been included in github warehouse liyongning/blog , welcome to Watch and Star.prefaceAs mentioned earlier, ...

Added by Axelbrook on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 05:47:10 +0200

Summary of vue3 and its differences from vue2 (part)

1. Changes in life cycle: 3 X (upper) 2 X (bottom) It's not hard to see, vue3 0 and vue2 The life cycle function between 0 changes during destruction: beforeDestroy --> beforeUnmount destroyed --> unmounted Other differences mainly lie in the language used in writing stay ts Used in class Class component writing can refer to vue-c ...

Added by jaymc on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:56:54 +0200

Vue - know and know

Article catalogue Project preparation1. First meet Vue2. Template syntax3. Data binding4. The second way to write el and data5. MVVM model6. Event handling Basic useParameter transferModifier 7. Calculate attributes and monitor Calculation propertiesListening properties 8. class and style classstyle 9. Conditiona ...

Added by Gast on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:48:59 +0200

This article combs the new features of React 18

Iterative process of React The main features of React from v16 to v18 include three changes: v16: Async Modev17: Concurrent Modev18: Concurrent Render The update process of Fiber tree in React is divided into two stages: render stage and commit stage. The render function of the component is called render when it is executed (what changes nee ...

Added by psr540 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:45:01 +0200

Three js DRACOLoader

preface Use front-end three In the process of loading 3d models with JS, the model size is often too large, resulting in too long loading time at the front end and reducing the user experience. What is recorded in this paper is a process of stepping on the DRACOLoader and solving the problem in using gltf pipeline to compress 3d model. The th ...

Added by Mactek on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:35:47 +0200

script setup in vue3

script setup < script setup > is a new syntax sugar from Vue3. The type is the suggestion in Vue's Git RFC. It should be made clear that this is not intended to completely replace any current writing. Its purpose is to provide developers with more concise syntax and simplify the lengthy template code when using the Composition API to wri ...

Added by e11rof on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 03:49:19 +0200