What is SAP Commerce yForms

yForms enables insurance providers, financial service providers, and every organization that sells complex products or services to create highly customized Web forms that can be added to stores to guide customers through the purchase process. Forms can be easily created and managed through the Web-based form builder UI.yForms is a flexible and ...

Added by msgcrap on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 21:31:34 +0200

Vue3 component, composition API, routing (Part 2)

Vue3 component usage - routing (Part 2) 1, Use of components 1. Reference component 1. Create a new component named header vue Header.vue <template> <h1>This is the head assembly</h1> </template> 2. On app Reference in Vue Run it 2. Pass the contents of the parent component to the child component Transfe ...

Added by whizzykid on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 20:17:24 +0200

Chapter V - Principles of events

event CSS Style: pointer-events:none Do not receive click events Event principle (capture, target, bubble) 1. Capture phase Features: from outside to inside, 2. Objective stage 3. Bubbling stage Features: from inside to outside addEventListener DOM object addEventListener("time type", callback function after event ...

Added by Knutty on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 17:39:27 +0200

Binary tree creation and traversal of data structure

Binary tree is a special tree data structure. This time, let's learn how to create a binary tree recursively and how to recursively traverse the binary tree. At the same time, the last preorder traversal is an example of non recursive traversal of the binary tree. To write code, you should know well that the structure of binary tree is more co ...

Added by academ1c on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 13:34:45 +0200

On V8 compilation

Introduction: This article is an introduction to the principles of V8 compilation, which aims to give you a perceptual understanding of the parsing process of JavaScript in V8.Author Yu ZiyiSource: Ali technical official accountI. IntroductionThis article is an introduction to the principles of V8 compilation, which aims to give you a perceptua ...

Added by nasty_psycho on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 10:36:00 +0200

Analysis of Vue Computed principle from the perspective of source code

preface For the calculated attribute, you have to ask it almost every interview. Before that, you have to rely on your own understanding of what is used in the business, but this is still too shallow and often not the answer required by the interviewer. So I just want to read the computed source code and know its working principle, so that I c ...

Added by e39m5 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 08:46:20 +0200

The applet realizes the multi selection function of TreeView tree

If you don't say much, let's start with the renderings: The applet realizes the multi selection function of Treeview tree Realization idea Source data structure First, our data structure is roughly: [ { "id": "0", "name": "classification of animals", "pid": "-1", "children": [ { "id" ...

Added by MartinGr on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 08:03:09 +0200

[vue Learning Notes]. Introduction to vue components

Preface Component development refers to the idea of encapsulating reusable UI structures on a page as components to facilitate project development and maintenance. Components are reuse of UI structures. vue is a front-end framework that supports component development. The Vue specifies that the component's suffix name is. Vue. Apps previous ...

Added by slibob on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 07:38:37 +0200

Vue3 comes out with a new syntax. When will it be over?

prefaceYou should know that if you use Vue3's Composition API to define a responsive variable, there are usually two forms: ref and reactive:<script setup> import { ref, reactive } from 'vue' const isLoading = ref(true) const user = reactive({ name: 'linghu chong', age: 22, gender: 'male' }) </script>Generally speaking, ref ...

Added by mrhappiness on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 05:08:03 +0200

js array sorting and Sort method

Time complexity & space complexityIt can be seen from the figure that the time complexity should be controlled below O(nlogn).Space complexity is a measure of the amount of storage space temporarily occupied by an algorithm during operationAccording to their characteristics, js sorting can be roughly divided into two types: comparison sort ...

Added by bjoerndalen on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 04:21:00 +0200