JavaScript -- BOM programming

Hello! Hello, everyone, let's meet again ~ next, let's learn today's little knowledge~ I How to get HTML elements in JS? Detailed explanation: 1. Through the id attribute in the tag  document.getElementById(); eg: <1>. First, let's define a button and div <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset= ...

Added by emcb_php on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:13:32 +0200

Chrome V8 source code 48 The mystery of weak type addition, "+" source code analysis

1 IntroductionJavaScript is a weakly typed language. When its variables and expressions participate in the operation, even if the type is incorrect, they can get the correct type through implicit conversion, which is like all types can carry out all operations for users. By analyzing the addition source code of V8, this paper leads you to under ...

Added by sheen.andola on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 12:02:00 +0200

Introduction to Vue syntax (recommended for getting started)

1.Mustache (double brace): 2.v-once: this instruction does not need to be followed by any expression (v-for followed by expression). This instruction indicates that elements and components are rendered only once and will not change with the change of data. After parsing the tag, the html-v.html-3 will output the data. 4.v-text: < H2 v-t ...

Added by josephicon on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 08:59:46 +0200

Koa of source code analysis

1, Foreword The main audience of this article is 1-3 years of junior and intermediate front-end engineers. I hope to study with you. Why learn the source code? After learning the daily development and application of Vue, React and Node, I seem to have encountered some bottlenecks and don't know how to go further. There emerge in an endle ...

Added by unknown on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 07:24:26 +0200

In 2022, don't you know the difference between arrow function and ordinary function?

prefaceAs a new syntax added in ES6, arrow function is deeply loved by developers and interviewers because it simplifies our code and allows developers to get rid of the "erratic" this direction. Arrow function often appears in the interview questions of major companies because it is different from ordinary functions, This paper will ...

Added by 244863 on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 04:44:53 +0200

[advanced] pdf generation (watermarked), pdf preview (pagable), pdf printing: a one-stop solution for the whole stack

preface Every front-end developer will always encounter some needs related to PDF in his life, but searching online articles is mostly the realization of some functions. It is not easy to obtain a complete scheme that meets his own needs. Based on this, combined with my relevant work experience, I sorted out a set including front-end PDF ge ...

Added by taldos on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 04:29:02 +0200

JS functional programming

1. Why learn functional programming 1. With the popularity of react, functional programming has attracted more and more attention 2.Vue3 also began to use functional programming 3. Functional programming can abandon this 4. In the packaging process, we can better use tree shanking to filter useless code 5. Facilitate testing, make the code mor ...

Added by Holoverse on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 04:17:48 +0200

Vue3 system introduction and project practice

Vue3 system introduction and project practice Comprehensive knowledge points + high matching projects, easy entry and in-depth Mastery Chapter 1 a preliminary study of Vue grammar A very classic method is used here: split()Method splits each character of a string object and treats each string as each element of the array reverse()Metho ...

Added by simulant on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 04:01:50 +0200

Interpretation of Vue source code -- Hook Event

When learning becomes a habit, knowledge becomes common sense. Thank you for your attention, likes, collections and comments.The new video and articles will be sent to WeChat official account for the first time. Li YongningThe article has been included in github warehouse liyongning/blog , welcome to Watch and Star.prefaceHook Event (Hook Event ...

Added by Arenlor on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 02:23:42 +0200

New features of vue3

1, setup 1. It's vue3 0 is a new configuration item in, and the value is a function. 2. setup is the stage where all composition APIs are displayed. 3. There are two return values of the setup function: If an object is returned, the properties and methods in the object can be used directly in the template. (focus!) If you return a renderin ...

Added by jimmyt1988 on Mon, 28 Feb 2022 18:01:13 +0200