Allocation of partition replicas

Allocation of partition replicas       In the previous section, the distribution of partitioned copies is mentioned many times. Readers may be a little confused. There is also the concept of partitioned distribution among producers and consumers. The partition allocation of producers refers to specifying the partition to which e ...

Added by olanjouw on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:24:43 +0200

TIDB - synchronize data to downstream Kafka using TICDC

1, TICDC In the previous article, we introduced how to use TICDC to synchronize data to Mysql. From the previous task, we can see that TICDC is much simpler in configuration than tidb binlog, and we also know that the performance of TICDC is also better than tidb binlog. Today, we learn how to use TICDC to synchronize data to downstream Kafka ...

Added by clem_c_rock on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 15:23:30 +0200

Re equalizer interceptor

Re equalizer       Rebalancing refers to the behavior that the ownership of the partition is transferred from one consumer to another. It provides a guarantee for the high availability and scalability of the consumer group, so that we can easily and safely delete consumers in the consumer group or add consumers to the consumer ...

Added by busybee on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 04:05:48 +0200

Store for RocketMQ Source Analysis

Store for RocketMQ Source Analysis Think Before Reading Store Source When the number of topics increases to 100+, the TPS of kafka's single broker decreases by one order of magnitude, while RocketMQ remains high in the mass topic scenario? kafka has tens of thousands of TPS with less topic tps, but more topic will decrease to 1-2,000 TPS. Bu ...

Added by fabby on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 23:46:15 +0200

Consumer client development

Consumer client development         After understanding the concept of consumer and consumer group, we can start the development of consumer client. In the history of Kafka, the consumer client, like the producer client, has experienced two major versions: the first is a client written in scala at the beginning of Kafka's ...

Added by sebmaurer on Thu, 11 Nov 2021 02:20:20 +0200

[kafka series] CentOS 7 system installation

1, Prepare Ensure that JDK and zookeeper services have been built on the server; If the construction is not completed, please refer to the following articles: Installing zookeeper: Installation of JDK1.8: kafka official website: ...

Added by thedon on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 14:38:05 +0300

KAFKA Foundation: Kafka API Producer API/Consumer API

This article is about Learning Guide for Big Data Specialists from Zero (Full Upgrade) Kafka: Partial supplement. 1 Producer API 1.1 Message Sending Process Kafka's roducer sends messages asynchronously, involving two threads, the main thread and the Ender thread, and a thread-sharing variable, RecordAccumulator. The main thread sends mes ...

Added by jtapoling on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:11:25 +0300

Flink's best practice is to stream TiDB data into Flink through TiCDC

Background introduction This article will introduce the case of how to import the data in TiDB into Kafka through TiCDC and then consumed by Flink. In order to quickly verify the functionality of the whole process, all components are deployed in a single machine. If you need to deploy in a production environment, it is recommended to replace ...

Added by disconne on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 21:44:21 +0300

The first experience of flink streaming sql

Article catalog background Example explanation Construct the StreamTableEnvironment object Register table Using Tuple Using Row Pojo class using java Use external storage background sql,Structured Query Language: as a general and popular query language, Structured Query Language is becomin ...

Added by TodManPlaa on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 07:16:31 +0300

Kafka Java client use

Article catalog 1. Common configuration 2. kafka-clients 2.1 producers 2.2 consumers 2.3 multithreading 1. Common configuration producer to configure describe type Default bootstrap.servers It is used to establish the connection with kafka cluster and only affects the hosts used for init ...

Added by Gmans on Sat, 13 Jun 2020 07:34:03 +0300