SpringBoot: multi data source configuration based on MyBatis

preface Previously, in the process of using SpringBoot to build background services, we usually access a database and a data source The MQTT service used in the new project needs authentication, but the MQTT service is used by multiple projects, so its authentication database is in a separate database. At this time, we need to configure ...

Added by Dillenger on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 12:20:53 +0200

Jenkins continues to integrate entry to mastery

What is continuous integration Continuous Integration (CI for short) refers to the frequent (multiple times a day) integration of code into the backbone. The purpose of continuous integration is to enable products to iterate quickly while maintaining high quality.. Its core measure is that the code must pass automated testing before being ...

Added by rashu.dr on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 06:51:46 +0200

Function and use of maven

First, we need to clarify the role of maven: Maven is essentially a project management tool, Abstract the project development and management process into a project object model (POM). Developers only need to make some simple configurations to complete the construction, report and document generation of the project in batches. Using remote war ...

Added by blmg911 on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 06:25:01 +0200

Compatibility between Maven and IDEA version and configuration

         When creating Maven project or SpringBoot project, you need to configure Maven plug-in. It can automatically provide dependencies for us. It only needs a few lines of code to provide the coordinates of the jar package, instead of madly guiding the package and consuming excess memory as before. There is a compatibility problem between ...

Added by v1ral on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 18:03:57 +0200

Text extraction (Java+Tesseract_OCR)

development environment System: windows 11 jdk: 1.8 Framework: spring boot 2.1 4 + maven Tool: idea Tesseract installation Related links Official website: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract Official documents: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdoc Language pack address: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata Download addr ...

Added by Xager on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 14:58:50 +0200

Construction of SSM framework ---- construction of Spring and Spring MVC

I Spring and the construction of Spring MVC 1. Transform Maven project into web project First, we create a maven project This creates a maven project: As the current project, it is a java web application, so we need to transform a web application based on maven On the right side, configure three places: The first is to describe our we ...

Added by chaoswuz on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 03:34:07 +0200

IDEA+Maven uses MyBatis to realize CRUD operation (the content is detailed, and the 10000 word long article will take you to know MyBatis ~)

IDEA+Maven uses MyBatis to implement CRUD operation Hello, everyone. Today, I'm going to use Maven to build MyBatis project in IDEA to realize simple operations of addition, deletion, modification and query, After summarizing some experiences of bloggers in the learning process, let's enter the construction project Introduction to MyBa ...

Added by lifeless on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:41:29 +0200

spring security integrates cas to achieve single sign on

Recently, I took a task. The company made a lot of systems for customers, and later made a general business system for external sales. Therefore, we need to make a demonstration system to put all business systems into the demonstration system. Users can access any business system after logging in to the demonstration system. This sounds like a ...

Added by Jabop on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 03:12:18 +0200

Spring MVC detailed summary and analysis

Spring MVC learning Brief introduction to spring MVC framework: Spring MVC is a module of spring framework. Spring MVC and spring do not need to be integrated through the middle integration layer. Spring mvc is a web framework based on mvc. Spring MVC presentation layer: it is convenient for front and back data transmission Spring MVC has a c ...

Added by mallard on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 11:55:55 +0200

If the order has not been paid for 30 minutes, it will be automatically cancelled - solution

In development, we often encounter some requirements for delayed tasks. for example If the order has not been paid for 30 minutes, it will be automatically cancelled Send a text message to the user 60 seconds after the order is generated For the above tasks, we give a professional name to describe, that is, delayed tasks. Then a question aris ...

Added by niesom on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 10:18:11 +0200