Event handling and notification event handling

1, Overview Interaction with users is an essential part of mobile applications. Gesture detection provided in Flutter is GestureDetector. The gesture system in Flutter is divided into two layers: The first layer is to touch the original event (pointer) PointerDownEvent: the user contacts the screen PointerMoveEvent: the finger has mo ...

Added by evolve4 on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 06:55:21 +0300

How to identify and read American driver license information on Android devices

According to the American Association of motor vehicle managers (AAMVA https://www.aamva.org/DL-ID-Card-Design-Standard/ )According to the regulations of PDF417, the US driver's license uses PDF417 code, as shown in the following figure: Google Mobile Vision SDK The Google service supports driver license resolution. You can find the correspond ...

Added by alexdoug on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 18:32:15 +0300

How to use WillPopScope in Flutter

Guide reading for Lao Meng: how to click the Back button twice to exit the App, how to realize multiple routes in the App, and how to realize the Back button only to exit the specified page will be shown in this article. WillPopScope WillPopScope is used to process whether to leave the current page or not. There are many ways to leave the cu ...

Added by Tranquilraven on Wed, 13 May 2020 03:49:00 +0300

Using Blink SQL+UDAF to realize difference aggregation calculation

According to the real business requirements of a power grid company, this case realizes the difference aggregation calculation on the real-time flow through Blink SQL+UDAF. Through this case, the readers are familiar with UDAF writing and understand the method invocation relationship and order in UDAF. Thank you @ commander for your guidance in ...

Added by stalione on Fri, 08 May 2020 12:15:27 +0300

Use JQuery to complete the following list of left and right selections

Js related technology select drop-down list Multiple allow multiple selection ondblclick: double click event for loop traversal, removing problems while traversing requirement analysis Our products usually include what we have and what we don't have. Now we need a page for dynamic editing of these products Step analysis 1. Import JQ file 2. Do ...

Added by Straterra on Thu, 07 May 2020 17:33:55 +0300

Android Project Actual Series - based on Bosch Valley profile

Please be patient to read this module because of its large content and length. The profile module is divided into two parts [x] personal data [x] Data Modification 1. Personal Data 1. Profile interface (1) Create a profile interface Create a java class named UserInfoActivity in the com.buxuegu.activity package.Create a layout file name ...

Added by riddhi on Mon, 04 May 2020 23:33:23 +0300

The simple use of jiecao video player

The player itself has the function of automatically memorizing the playing progress. In the full screen state, it has the function of gesture fast forward and fast backward, as well as the control of brightness on the left and volume on the right After clicking the full screen, the video is still in the vertical screen ...

Added by virgil on Mon, 04 May 2020 20:57:07 +0300

iOS tableView scrolls to the specified row / segment and bug Guide

Select cell to scroll to the specified location It's very simple, one sentence to finish: /* The most recently selected cell scrolls to the specified location: UITableViewScrollPositionNone, UITableViewScrollPositionTop, // Top UITableViewScrollPositionMiddle, // Middle UITableViewScrollPositionBottom// b ...

Added by V-Man on Mon, 04 May 2020 19:57:46 +0300

20 regular expressions are often used in front-end development.

1. Verify password strength: the strength of password must include the combination of upper and lower case letters and numbers. Special characters cannot be used, and the length is between 8 and 10 ^(?=.*\\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).{8,10}$ 2. Check Chinese: the string can only be Chinese ^[\\u4e00-\\u9fa5]{0,}$ 3 ...

Added by sols on Mon, 04 May 2020 03:23:55 +0300

Factory method pattern -- the pattern of creation pattern

1. general factory mode The directory structure is roughly as follows:   1. Create a game interface: public interface PlayGame { public void game(); } 2. The game is implemented by two devices public class Computer implements PlayGame{ @Override public void game() { System.err.println("Play computer games!!"); } } ...

Added by Monkey-Moejo on Sun, 03 May 2020 20:08:50 +0300