Android basic web communication

1, History of development 1G analog mobile phone, voice only2G digital mobile phone, adding functions such as receiving data3G smart phone has become a new generation of mobile communication system that integrates voice communication and multimedia communication, and includes value-added services such as image, music, web browsing, conference ...

Added by tonbah on Sat, 02 May 2020 19:11:32 +0300

Notes for Android Beginners (2): the simplest code for mobile phone vibration

Beginners are most likely to be confused by the code when they first touch the code, so they should give the minimum generation of core code for beginners, first make clear the core code, and then expand the knowledge, so that the learning effect will be better. There are a lot of codes on the Internet, which make begi ...

Added by my800stuff on Sat, 02 May 2020 06:25:55 +0300

Animation custom animation track of android

Let's use the following example to show how to use this Animation custom Animation. In the figure, we can see that the small ball is rolling downward with the track, and the splicing between the track and the track is realized by the second-order Bezier curve. The small ball simulates the gravity effect and the acceleration rolling downward. ...

Added by cello on Fri, 01 May 2020 21:40:43 +0300

Mobile debugging artifact (eruda)

In the daily development of mobile terminal, we usually try the mobile terminal mode of Chrome browser for development and debugging. Only when chrome debugging is completed, can we go to the real machine for testing if there is no problem. This is the big problem of mobile terminal development, Various brands and models of mobile phones, vari ...

Added by ccooper on Thu, 30 Apr 2020 20:57:59 +0300

Flitter component 3 [use of ListTile]

design sketch 1. ListTile is usually used to fill ListView in Flutter The properties are as follows: Title: the title parameter can accept any widget, but is usually a text widget Subtitle: the subtitle is the smaller text below the title Deny: make the text smaller and package everything together leading: adds an image or icon to the b ...

Added by jamesl on Mon, 27 Apr 2020 17:14:43 +0300

Some simple applications of regular expressions

1. Match 11 mobile phone numbers with the first letter of 1 ^1\d{10}$ 2. Matching name, 3-6 characters in Chinese [\u4e00-\u9fa5]{3,6} 3. Matching password must be 6-16 characters, and can only contain numbers, letters and underscores: $\w{6-16}^ 4. Matching mailbox ^\w+@\w+(\.\w+){1,2} 5. Match the number of the seat ^\d{1,3}-\d{4,8}$ 6. Match ...

Added by Nameless12 on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 17:32:16 +0300

Details of Javax Validation verification architecture

You're still using if else... Check the parameters from the front end? Are you still checking parameters with code? If so, your project verification is not perfect. Xiaobian here shares the parameter verification through annotation, farewell to if else... The era of!!! This article mainly introduces Javax ValidationI annotation verification ar ...

Added by GM on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 12:53:26 +0300

java collection related knowledge

1, Concept of container 2, Container API 3, Collection interface 4, Iterator interface 5, Iterable interface 6, Set interface 7, Compatible interface 8, List interface 9, Map interface ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...

Added by christa on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:20:33 +0300

[tiktok] catch the tiktok star by Python, which star is the most popular voice.

Recently, tiktok tiktok tiktok has seen all kinds of billboard data visualized video. As a technician, it is considered a very interesting way to present data. So searching the Internet for information, we found that there is a list of sound suitable for data visualization. Who is it? objective Tiktok pop star list Data visualization shows ...

Added by examiz on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 10:59:07 +0300

Mars open source monthly (March 2020)

This month, Mars released 0.4.0b1 ,0.4.0b2 and 0.3.2 as well as 0.3.3 , click the link to view the detailed Release Notes. The two releases this month are special cases. 0.4.0b2 fixes the more urgent problems in 0.4.0b1. Mars project release cycle Here is a brief introduction to the release cycle of Mars. Mars takes one month as the release cy ...

Added by Supplement on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:57:13 +0300