Inheritance, super and this, abstract class

First, inheritance 1. Introduction to inheritance ① Multiple classes have the same properties and behaviors. Extract these properties and behaviors into a single class, and then inherit the class. There is no need to define these properties and behaviors. ② Inheritance is that the child class inherits the non private properties and methods ...

Added by ssmK on Wed, 12 Feb 2020 15:09:29 +0200

python crawler: specify automatic website registration, etc

Environment configuration: selenium library and browser driver (this article uses chrome driver) 1.pip install selenium Chrome driver domestic image download Official download of chrome driver 3. Unzip the downloaded driver (corresponding to your own browser version and system version: Correspon ...

Added by chawkimatta on Tue, 11 Feb 2020 15:26:10 +0200

Fluent -- JSON parsing

Contents of this article Preface JSON to Dart object practice Generate entity classes with tools according to JSON When the JSON class property is inconsistent with the server return property Preface The previous blog has introduced the network request in the development of Flutter in detail, bu ...

Added by dnszero on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 12:16:29 +0200

Minimum output of git log with author and date

How to display (at least) git log output of this information: * author * commit date * change I want each log entry to be compressed to one row. What is the shortest format? (tried -- format=oneline but did not show date) #1 building git log --pretty=format:"%H %an %ad" Use -- date = to format the date git log --pretty=format:" ...

Added by GrizzlyBear on Sat, 08 Feb 2020 19:01:11 +0200

Implementation of left navigation in mobile terminal

1, Achieving results Home page: Click the navigation key: 2, Implementation plan 0x1 CSS3+javascript scheme 1. Realization ideas Transform transform using css3 translate(x,y),translatex() translatey() Transition transition < transition property >: retrieve or set the properties in the object participating ...

Added by purplehaze on Sun, 02 Feb 2020 19:40:20 +0200

android Bluetooth BLE serial port development

1. First apply for relevant authority. In manifest.xml <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH"/> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"/> <uses-feature android:name="android.bluetooth_le" android:required="true"/> <uses-permission-sdk-23 andr ...

Added by Ohio Guy on Sat, 01 Feb 2020 05:32:42 +0200

Android WebView starts H5 payment and prompts the merchant that the parameter format is wrong

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article ——Holding the sword in the end of the world, starting from your little accumulation, you must strive for perfection everywhere you reach, that is, tossing every day. Important news Those proficient can see the detailed description here Flutter from getting sta ...

Added by dercof on Mon, 20 Jan 2020 09:59:34 +0200

Linux c + + loop queue

  In projects, there are often network message processing. Nowadays, there are many security cameras, usually an APP will be equipped to control IPC, such as setting up mobile detection, face recognition, baby cry recognition, etc. Clicking a button in the APP may trigger the APP to send several mes ...

Added by hbradshaw on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 15:17:26 +0200

Android content provider in 2020

Junior to intermediate 1. What is the content provider? Content Provider is mainly used to realize the function of data sharing between different applications. It provides a complete set of mechanism, which allows one program to access the data in another program, and also ensures the security of the accessed data. Currently, using content pro ...

Added by lady_bug on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 12:51:11 +0200

layui multi file upload with progress bar

The original link address is The upload.js file, html and JS methods provided by the original author can be used for reference. The problem is that they were made according to the author's plan, but they failed. But pit, 98% completed, the remaining 2% is very difficult to work out. The steps are ...

Added by brainstorm on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 13:20:01 +0200