MySQL Cluster Solution: master-slave replication

Get ready I use docker deployment on CentOS, so I need to prepare docker related operations in advance docker CentOS installation To configure mapping A host has multiple virtual machines, so it needs to use different named configuration folders, such as / etc/mysql/my.cnf.d/master01, to distingu ...

Added by Clandestinex337 on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 12:17:53 +0200

LAMP architecture (PHP5 installation, PHP7 installation)

PHP5 Installation download wget decompression Tip: Can't exec: No file or directory The reason is that the bzip2 package is missing yum install -y bzip2 decompression tar -jxvf php-5.6.32.tar.bz2 To configure 1. Need to be installed first xml2 yum install -y libxml2-devel 2 Install ...

Added by gigantorTRON on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 19:54:04 +0200

Notes on Python stepping on a hole

1, Python 2. X migration to 3.x problem 1. torndb does not support 3.x. error reporting solution in 3.x environment The torndb module does not support Python 3. X, so you need to modify part of the torndb source code to use it normally Source code modification: 1. Modify the import module import ...

Added by doni49 on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 17:12:29 +0200

Task scheduling of Azkaban based on Hadoop principle

1, Task scheduling overview 1. Why workflow scheduling system is needed 1) A complete data analysis system is usually composed of a large number of task units:shell script program, java program, mapreduce program, hive script, etc. 2) There are time sequence and pre and post dependence relationships ...

Added by dnamroud on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 09:00:05 +0200

Common settings for Binlog in MySQL

Get mysql image ➜ ~ docker pull mysql ➜ ~ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE mysql latest d435eee2caa5 3 weeks ago 456MB mysql ...

Added by unmash on Thu, 16 Jan 2020 04:07:52 +0200

Detailed explanation of Java JDBC connection to mysql database

1.JDBC introduction jdbc(java database connectivity) provides a unified programming interface for java developers to use the database. It consists of a set of java classes and interfaces. The classes and interfaces needed for JDBC are: DriverManager,Connection,Statement,ResultSet            2. Download MySQL connector Java The mysql version of ...

Added by nickthegreek on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:14:22 +0200

Xuecheng Online - day 11 - handout - Search Service II

3.3 build ES environment3.3.1 ES installationThe development environment uses the ES stand-alone environment to start the ES server.  Note: for the old ES environment, you can delete elasticsearch-6.2.1\data\nodes directory to completely clean up the ES environment.  Install elasticsearch h ...

Added by lilywong on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 05:33:57 +0200

Learning MySQL again: binlog

The major version number of the test is 5.7, and the minor version is 5.7.24. binlog is not enabled by default Modify my.ini and add two new configurations: # Open bin log server-id=1 log-bin=mysql-bin Table and data tested: create table T(ID int primary key, c int); update T set c=c+1 where ID=2; Restart MySQL and find two more MySQL bin. ...

Added by satanclaus on Wed, 08 Jan 2020 16:22:22 +0200

MySQL implements SQL Server ranking function

Recently, when a group sorting query is encountered in mysql, it is suddenly found that there is no group sorting such as row_number() over(partition by colname) in MySQL.And since there is no ranking function similar to row u number(), rank(), deny u rank() in SQL Server in MySQL, all of the following implementation methods are found. Here is ...

Added by whizard on Tue, 07 Jan 2020 19:01:22 +0200

General pit custom function of relational database

Custom functions, like scalar subqueries, when the result set (row number N) returned by the main query is huge, the query in the custom function will be accessed N times The only applicable scenario of user-defined function is paging query. Other scenarios basically have potential risks and need to be rewritten. SELECT rrs.o ...

Added by Gordonator on Tue, 07 Jan 2020 15:03:43 +0200