Pit of format when inserting data in pymysql
Into the pit
Today, when inserting data into mysql, I accidentally used format and found a small pit
Let's look at a piece of code:
My data:
72 232 2022/11/01
231 233 2022/01/01
231 234 2022/12/01
| Field | Type | Null | ...
Added by kev wood on Tue, 24 Dec 2019 21:02:05 +0200
MySQL database -- MHA high availability cluster architecture
MHA overview
Developed by yoshimaton (now working for Facebook), a Japanese DeNA company
A set of excellent high availability software for failover and master-slave promotion in MySQL high availability environment
Composition of MHA
MHA Manager (management node)
MHA Node
MHA features
In the process of automatic failover, MHA tries to save bin ...
Added by crazychris on Mon, 23 Dec 2019 14:32:48 +0200
How do I add 30 minutes to a JavaScript Date object?
I want a Date object that is 30 minutes later than another Date object. How do I use JavaScript?
#1st floor
var oldDateObj = new Date(); var newDateObj = new Date(); newDateObj.setTime(oldDateObj.getTime() + (30 * 60 * 1000)); console.log(newDateObj);
#2nd floor
Maybe so?
var d = new Date(); var v = new Dat ...
Added by ruttegar on Mon, 23 Dec 2019 01:05:00 +0200
Mariadb rights management
Mariadb user and rights management
Permission category
Library level
Table level
Field level
Management category
Program class
Management category:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES Create temporary table
CREATE USER Create user
Progra ...
Added by johnthedeveloper on Sun, 22 Dec 2019 21:52:19 +0200
Using activiti in the Spring Boot project
Check activiti when creating a new springBoot project, or add the following dependencies to an established springBoot project:
Data source and ...
Added by mortimerdude on Sat, 21 Dec 2019 10:44:20 +0200
MySQL - MHA High Availability
Content Essentials
1. Introduction to MHA:
2. Deploy MHA:
Step 1: Install mysql on three master-slave servers
Step 2: Modify mysql's main configuration file: /etc/my.cnf, note that the server-id s of the three servers cannot be the same
Step 3: Start the mysql service with three servers
Step 4: Configure Mysql master-slave synchronization (one ...
Added by TNIDBMNG on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 23:08:01 +0200
docker deployment LNMP environment
The first step is to confirm that there are tar packages needed in your environment, and you can use [docker pull]() to download these images
Now we're using a downloaded image, so we need to import it
[root@docker01 ~]# docker load -i nginx.tar && docker load -i wordpress.tar && docker load -i mysql-5.7.tar && docke ...
Added by Havery Jay on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 22:21:35 +0200
Interaction between MySQL database and python
Of course, what MySQL does not know is that the old iron self Baidu is wonderful, ha ha!
In short, MySQL is a kind of relational database management system. Different data contents are put into different data tables. Different tables can be related, corresponding or not.
The operation of data is nothing but CURD (add, delete, ...
Added by MarineX69 on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 17:33:01 +0200
python with statement combined with context manager
The so-called context manager is a class that rewrites the "enter" method and the "exit" method in a class.
We can simplify some operations through the with statement in combination with the context manager.
Use with statement and custom context manager to complete the corresponding operation of the database. The code is ...
Added by rostros on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 20:12:38 +0200
Control remote data locally
There is a Federated storage engine in MySQL. Data tables using this engine do not store any data locally, but all data are stored on remote servers.
1. See if Federated storage engine is supported
MariaDB [(none)]> show engines;
| FEDERATED | YES | FederatedX pluggable storage engine ...
Added by Todd88 on Thu, 19 Dec 2019 18:26:52 +0200