[PCL self study: kdTree] the principle and use of KD tree in PCL (continuously updated)

1, KD tree principle    in this chapter, we will learn how to use KdTree to find K nearest neighbors of a specific point or location, and then we will also learn how to find all neighbors within a radius specified by the user (random in this example). 1) What is KD tree?   k-dTree, called k-dimensional tree, is a data stru ...

Added by jjmusicpro on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 11:47:45 +0200

SLAM exercises - point cloud fusion, filtering, smoothing and gridding

Computer vision life learn SLAM learning notes from scratch The following topics are from computer vision life. Learn SLAM series from scratch Point cloud fusion subject Title: point cloud fusion experiment. Given the RGB + depth images taken by 3 frames (discontinuous) RGB-D camera and the transformation matrix between them (taking t ...

Added by ndorfnz on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 23:36:32 +0200

octomap point cloud compression

If the point cloud file is large, you can use the octomap library to compress the point cloud. octomap organizes point clouds with octree structure, which is a lossy compression. Different resolution can save different scale data. Here rabbit.pcd For example, the file saves the point cloud in text format (. txt), binary format (. bin), octree ...

Added by kylera on Mon, 04 May 2020 04:59:18 +0300

ORB-SLAM2 online construction of dense point cloud

This blog continues with the content in the previous blog. We have completed the modification of pose estimator in the front, that is to say, the ROS node provided by ORB-SLAM is used to realize online operation. Review our goal is to divide the mapping system into three nodes. The driving node is mainl ...

Added by grim1208 on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 07:18:00 +0200

Java converts Excel to PDF based on Spire.Cloud.Excel

Spire.Cloud.Excel SDK Java provides the general API interface and WorkbookApi interface, and supports the conversion of local excel and cloud EXCEL documents to ODS, PDF, XPS, PCL, PS and other formats. This paper introduces the steps and methods of format conversion, taking the conversion of Excel form to PDF as an example. Necessary steps:St ...

Added by Clinger on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 19:42:26 +0200