Web3. Basic use of JS (interaction with Ethereum smart contract)

Catalog title web3.js introductionweb3 module loading Asynchronous callbackCallback Promise event (v1.0.0) Common API - basic information query View web3 versionView the version of the node to which web3 is connected (clientVersion)Basic information query Get network idGet the Ethereum protocol version of the node Network status que ...

Added by brash on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:49:36 +0200

Remember the performance optimization of 18 times at a time

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python actual combat quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 background Recently, a self-developed Dubbo registration center in charge often received alarms about CPU utilization, so it carried out a wav ...

Added by jevman on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:44:15 +0200

Teach you: personal credit default prediction model

Series articles Chapter VIII Teach you hand in hand: Stock Forecasting System Based on LSTMChapter VII Teach you by hand: fruit classification and recognition system based on depth residual network (ResNet)Chapter VI Hand in hand teach you: face recognition video coding 1, Project introduction This paper mainly introduces how to us ...

Added by rish1103 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 06:10:45 +0200

python notes: exceptions and exception handling

1. Concept of abnormality: • when the program is running, if the Python interpreter encounters an error, it will stop the execution of the program and prompt some error messages, which is an exception • the action that the program stops executing and prompts an error message is usually called: raise exception During program devel ...

Added by mj99 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 02:36:26 +0200

Python OOP learning notes-1

1. python standard library: python 3.9.4 (1)format(): format(value[, format_spec]) Convert # value # to # format_ "Formatted" representation of spec # control. format_ The interpretation of spec , depends on the type of , value , argument, but most built-in types use standard formatting syntax: Format specification Mini lan ...

Added by Trek15 on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 02:20:42 +0200

Python Socket realizes file transfer between two computers

Project description The existing systems are two computers of Windows 10, one of which is used as a server and the other as a client. There is a folder pics in the server, which contains 10 pictures, as shown in the following figure: This paper aims to use the Socket library in Python to transfer the pictures in the server to the client. ...

Added by onlinegs on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 00:54:41 +0200

Introduction to LintCode python

Add: omit some questions. Here I think the questions that need to be posted are posted by me. The answers are different. You are welcome to express your views. I'll start with a brick to attract jade. Of course, the questions here are incomplete, and they will be supplemented in the follow-up. 2940. Byte string and string conversion descri ...

Added by LeslieHart on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 18:14:43 +0200

Unpredictable beauty of Python Random modules

1 . concept 1.1 true and pseudo-random numbers Most computer languages provide API s for generating random numbers, which are called random number generators. Computers can use random numbers to simulate various random probability problems in the real world. The programming language without random generator is not a "good language&q ...

Added by solus on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:17:05 +0200

[machine learning] how to use random grid search to shorten the grid search speed?

Random grid search RandomSearchCV learning notes, including: Basic principle of random grid searchskelarn application of random grid search (case: house price dataset _python)Application of continuous distribution in random grid search (case: house price data set _python) Indexes 🔣 Functions and parameters 🔑 formula 🗣 case 📌 Noun i ...

Added by Fed51 on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 14:05:02 +0200

Processes and threads in Python

Threads and processes 1, What is a process / thread 1. Introduction As we all know, CPU is the core of computer, which undertakes all computing tasks. The operating system is the manager of the computer and a big housekeeper. It is responsible for task scheduling, resource allocation and management, and commands the whole computer hardwa ...

Added by DChiuch on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 09:07:12 +0200