Spring cloud Alibaba II. Spring boot configuration uses nacos as the registry, and calls and tests with resttemplate and RPC tools

Premise of use Building nacos environment: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41463655/article/details/104002968 RPC tool RestTemplate: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41463655/article/details/103431953 The simulation environment of this paper is as follows: 1, Create the spring boot project Alibaba server (version ...

Added by FortMyersDrew on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 18:03:30 +0200

Java language learning summary advanced method overload, recursive call

Method overloading 1. Method overloading is also known as: overload 2. When to consider using method overloading? When the functions are similar, try to keep the method names the same. [but: when the functions are different / different, try to make the method names different. ] 3. What conditions are ...

Added by axiom82 on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 16:56:05 +0200

Real router 4.0 implements login interception

The core code (as follows), in fact, it is very simple to understand the core idea. At the beginning, it was hoodwinked by a large number of official examples, ha ha. const PrivateRoute = ({component:Component,...rest}) => { return ( <Route {...rest} render={props => win ...

Added by kerching on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 16:13:31 +0200

Data interface development of Django

Nowadays, more and more web projects use front-end and back-end separation, which realizes the decoupling of data and interface. They interact through network API.   API - Application Programming Interface REST introduction   REST has nothing to do with technology and represents only one arc ...

Added by pazzy on Sun, 12 Jan 2020 09:34:32 +0200

C + + multithreading -- atomic operation

Atomic operation Example Atomic operation is an indivisible operation. Of all the threads in the system, you can't see that the atomic operation is half completed; it's either done or not. There are only two possibilities. Do not use atomic operation: #include <iostream> #include <thread& ...

Added by sockit2em on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 14:50:21 +0200

New features of ES6

Catalog Chapter I. construction of development environment Part two and three ways of declaration 2.1 var (Global declaration) 2.2 let (local declaration) 2.3 const (constant declaration) Chapter 3: Deconstruction and assignment 3.1 deconstruction and assignment of arrays 3.2 deconstruction a ...

Added by soccerstar_23 on Sat, 11 Jan 2020 06:31:25 +0200

Download Excel file with spring mvc-4.2 + excelview view view

You can download the jar package by yourself, springMvc4.2 + version + poi-3.10.1 version </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.poi</groupId> <artifactId>poi</artifactId> <version>3.10.1</version> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org ...

Added by Volitics on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 12:20:36 +0200

Python multithreading and processes

threading use (industrial wind case) import threading from time import sleep, ctime loop = [4, 2] class ThreadFunc: def __init__(self, name): self.name = name def loop(self, nloop, nsec): ''' :param nloop: loop The name of the function :param nsec: System sleep time :return: ''' ...

Added by supernova on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 12:17:29 +0200

Qt package Baidu face recognition + image recognition

In recent years, the development of AI technology has been in full swing. The wages and salaries are also rising, and the application prospects are also very broad. The face recognition that caught fire last year has blossomed all over the country this year. Before that, the face recognition interface of face + + was encapsulat ...

Added by ludachris on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 21:25:58 +0200

Using ajax to achieve multiple deletion and front and back interaction

/*Multiple deletion. The following code is written by myself in springCloud, But the methods are the same. If you understand them, you will*/ The JSP page is as follows: <%@ page language='java' pageEncoding='UTF-8'%> <%@taglib uri='http://www.dstech.net/dssp' prefix='dssp' %> <%@taglib prefix='c' uri='http ...

Added by jimmyp3016 on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 01:22:04 +0200