android shuts down the application completely

1. finish() method This method can end the current Activity, but if your App has a lot of activities, it's a bit stretched. In addition, there is a method called finishActivity (int request Code). For this method, first look at the api description of sdk. public void finishActivity (int requestCode)  Since: API Level 1  ...

Added by aaron_mason on Sun, 02 Jun 2019 00:00:27 +0300

Tencent Cloud Communication and SDK Integrated Operational Guidelines

0 (1).jpg This article is a serial of Jiang Zhibi, the author of the rookie nest. "Develop a Live APP Series from 0" to talk about the most popular live APP, how to complete the realization of a commercial project like "Tencent Live Broadcasting" Tencent Cloud Communication and SDK Integration[Developing a Live APP from ...

Added by Frapster on Wed, 29 May 2019 13:22:40 +0300

Net Implementation of the Sharing Function of Wechat JS-SDK

What is the JS-SDK interface? In order to facilitate the developer to realize the web pages (web pages accessed by Wechat browser), such as the ability of mobile phone system such as photography, map selection, voice, location, and so on, and to facilitate the developer to directly use the unique capabilities of Wechat such as sharing and sw ...

Added by john_wenhold on Sat, 25 May 2019 21:29:05 +0300

java reads files in many ways

java reads files in many ways This paper introduces several ways of reading files from classpath, url and jar in java. Get ready We use only java classes to implement a set of test examples, in which we use the Hamcrest tool for matching validation. Test class sharing uses readFromInputStream method to transfer input stre ...

Added by dynamicallystatic on Sat, 18 May 2019 15:34:19 +0300

Bugly implements hot update of APP

Bugly implements hot update of APP Bugly implements thermal repair using Wechat Tinker Technology. Tinker is simplified. Bugly Hot Repair Official Documents Configuration parameters Adding plug-in dependencies Add: buildscript { repositories { jcenter() } dep ...

Added by shaunno2007 on Fri, 17 May 2019 00:42:53 +0300

Development of Nail SDK Based on C# (1) --Reconstruction and optimization of official SDK

In the past time, contacting a customer who likes nailing and has widely used nails in the internal scene for the internal management of the factory, such as nail attendance, daily approval, nail projection, nail access control and so on, I realized that nails have been widely used in the enterprise, so I went back to study some business scope ...

Added by kevinkorb on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:51:46 +0300

FaceBook login access

Official documents Facebook logs in to Android official documents Create application First go Facebook Developer Platform Register for a developer account where you need to go over the wall and add your own application in the background SDK integration There are two ways to integrate SDK Maven mode In your project, open your_app > G ...

Added by balkan7 on Thu, 16 May 2019 16:20:21 +0300

Development of Visitor-to-Visitor System Based on Face Recognition Technology

Recently, a community has used Hongsoft face recognition, the effect is good. There is another project to compare visitors with their ID cards and share the project, hoping to help them in need. The address of the project should be added before the codeword. First of all, we use Huashi CVR 100U. ...

Added by RJDavison on Thu, 16 May 2019 11:06:15 +0300

iOS Architecture - Static Library. framework relies on third-party libraries

Needs Analysis:     Encapsulate your own capabilities as static libraries for customers to use, but there are some job markets that already do well Open code, or low-cost solutions, allows us to use technology that others have made public or purchased at a low cost.The same is true for making static libraries, a ...

Added by CodeToad on Wed, 15 May 2019 13:22:06 +0300

Public Number Web Page JS-SDK and Signature

1. Steps for using JS-SDK 1.1 Domain Name Binding Public Number Settings: Domain names that need to be filled in must be verified by ICP filing Use WeChat Test Number JS Interface Secure Domain Name: Focus on Test Public Number 1.2 Introducing js files <script src="" ...

Added by TKKP on Wed, 15 May 2019 00:24:28 +0300