Current limiting scheme for cloud native services

The purpose of current limiting is to protect the system when the system flow is too large to avoid system instability or even failure due to too large flow. There are many current limiting schemes in the cloud native environment. The lightweight scheme can use the memory data combination scheme of Bucket4j + Hazelcast/ignite/infinispan. Senti ...

Added by the_NEWBIE_ON_THE_BLOCK on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 11:24:34 +0200

An iOS developer optimizes power with incredible code

In today's development, power consumption is an important measure of the operation effect of an application, especially live broadcast and sports applications. Each hardware module in the device consumes power. The biggest consumer of power is CPU, but this is only one aspect of the system. A well written application requires careful use of ele ...

Added by wopopd83 on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 05:57:33 +0200

RabbitMQ: message sending confirmation and message receiving confirmation (ACK)

summary By default, if a Message is correctly received by the consumer, it will be removed from the Queue If a Queue is not subscribed by any consumers, the messages in the Queue will be cached. When a consumer subscribes, they will be sent immediately. When the Message is correctly received by the consumer, it will be removed from th ...

Added by bob2588 on Wed, 02 Feb 2022 03:17:43 +0200

CWE view hierarchical relationship analysis: node relationship query

This article is shared from Huawei cloud community Analysis of CWE view hierarchical relationship and query of CWE node relationship , author: Uncle_Tom. 1. Convert CWE to SQLite table basis Analysis of CWE view hierarchy and storage and definition of CWE nodes Description of the structure and definition of CWE stored in xml file. We convert t ...

Added by jdavila28 on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 11:26:23 +0200

Create your own Python IDE development tool with Tkinter to realize Python code execution and output information

Create your own Python IDE development tool with Tkinter (2) to realize Python code execution and output information In the previous article, we introduced the implementation of the editor. This article describes how to implement Python code execution and output information. To execute Python code, we use the function exec(). Its usage is as fo ...

Added by DarkendSoul on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 23:13:15 +0200

Click the content to query the details

1. Connect to the database 2. Create two tables 3. Primary key table Field nametypeconstraintIDintPrimary key, auto incrementContentnvarchar(20)Non empty 4. Foreign key table Field nametypeconstraintIDintPrimary key, auto incrementTitlenvarchar(20)Non emptyAuthornvarchar(20)Non emptyContnvarchar(50)Non emptyLeibieintNon empty, foreign key ...

Added by pietbez on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 03:43:13 +0200

It's time to test the real technology! After reading, I will teach you to really understand Java annotation and reflection!

Annotation and reflection java.Annotation 1. What is annotation Annotation is from jdk5 New technologies introduced from 0Function of Annotation: It is not the procedure itself, which can be explained. (this is no different from comment s.)It can be read by other programs (such as compiler, etc.). Format of Annotation: Annotations ...

Added by automatix on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 03:51:24 +0200

Optimization skills of multi-level if/case statements in software development

In daily development, we often see if statements nested in if. Once I had an exchange with a senior coder. Most coders wrote business codes as long as they knew if else. He said that it may not be so. When there are a large number of if else nesting, we can see different code levels. There are a lot of if else nesting, which is difficult to re ...

Added by cvsherri on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 01:49:45 +0200

You can get started with django project

1. Initialize configuration 1.1 required software 1. Anaconda: python environment management tool 2. Pycharm Professional Edition: a development tool. Compared with the Community Edition, it integrates django and other project frameworks, and has the function of webapi debugging. This article uses PyCharm2020 professional edition 3. my ...

Added by nylex on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 18:29:21 +0200

Three ThreadLocal, playing with thread variable saving and transfer

ThreadLocal ThreadLocal is a self-contained class in the jdk. It is used to save the thread specific data. You can directly see its role from the following code private static ThreadLocal<String> sThreadLocal=new ThreadLocal<>(); @Test void testThreadlocal() { //Main thread sThreadLocal.set("This is in th ...

Added by mark_john on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:35:08 +0300