Details of Spring Boot configuration file

Details of Spring Boot configuration file Spring Boot provides two commonly used configuration files, properties file and yml file. Their role is to modify the default value of Spring Boot auto configuration. Compared with the properties file, the yml file is younger and has many pits. yml determines the hierarchical relationship through space ...

Added by The_Black_Knight on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 08:20:11 +0300

MyBlog background development

Java back end interface and Vue front end 1. See the effect first publish an article Background login Blog details Java back end interface development: Using springboot+mybaitsPlus+shiro+jwt+lombok+redis; database mysql5.7+ Here, we use IDEA to develop the background interface. It's easy to create a ...

Added by sergio-pro on Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:11:20 +0300

Redis deep adventure application

Article catalog install Infrastructure string set Quotation marks Options lock obtain release exists expire System clock Various key operations Expiration algorithm colony list quicklist rpush rpop lpop lpush lindex lrange ltrim llen blpop brpop hash set zset zrange zrevrange zcard Curren ...

Added by ralba1998 on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 06:11:24 +0300

Spring boot + durid + mybatis + docker for mysql read-write separation-2

Spring boot + durid + mybatis + docker for mysql read-write separation-2 preface Project structure Code interpretation Data source configuration DataSourceType DBContextHolder RouteDataSource DataSourceConfig SqlSessionFactoryConfig ReadOnly ReadOnlyAop mapper related classes Business test New use ...

Added by prakash on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:59:58 +0300

Spring Boot docking Alipay payment

Article catalog 1. Preliminary preparation 2. Coding 1. The configuration class can also be written to the Spring boot configuration file for more flexibility 2. Payment Service 3. Controller omitted 4. The front-end children request to get the returned script and execute it directly 1. Prelim ...

Added by nomad9 on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:14:17 +0300

Spring initializes Ioc I

Spring IOC source code parsing based on annotations, version 5.1.x Initializing bean s through the Spring context Annotation class, annotationconfigpplicationcontext can be used to load Spring context based on java configuration class (various annotations), which is better than using application.xm ...

Added by nosmasu on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 07:06:03 +0300

Notes on Mybatis source code: from the perspective of cache system, the distribution mode of responsibility chain and enterprise level practice of circular dependence

1, Cache overview The design of Mybatis cache system follows the principle of single responsibility, opening and closing, and high decoupling. It is exquisite and fully layered, and its unique features can be applied to many similar businesses. Here is a brief analysis of the main caching system. With the help of the learning of Mybatis cache ...

Added by php_b34st on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 11:41:24 +0300

IDEA builds Spring Boot project

What is Spring Boot Spring Boot is a new framework provided by the Pivotal team, which is designed to simplify the initial construction and development process of new spring applications. The framework uses a specific way to configure, so that developers no longer need to define a templated configurat ...

Added by phpfreakjav on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 07:11:02 +0300

Spring series. AOP use

AOP introduction Using the object-oriented method can organize the code well, and also can realize code reuse in the way of inheritance. However, there will always be some duplicate code in the project, and it is not convenient to use inheritance methods to reuse and manage them, such as general log printing, transaction processing and security ...

Added by dessolator on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 05:58:28 +0300

Spring Boot Task Scheduling

2.1.12 Timing Tasks The Spring framework comes with task scheduling capabilities that are like a lightweight Quartz and are easy to use without relying on other JAR packages. Simply add @EnableScheduling to the project master startup class to turn on task scheduling @SpringBootApplication @EnableScheduling public class LearnApplication { p ...

Added by Desbrina on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 21:10:56 +0300