Dual-master Keepalive and lvs realize automatic monitoring of host status and real-time switching

Environmental Science: as Client as router as lvs1 as lvs2 as websrv1 as websrv2 as websrv3 as websrv4 Note: Firealld is disabled by default for all operating systems, IPtable is empty, selinux is closed Edition: O ...

Added by tharagleb on Wed, 07 Aug 2019 13:19:36 +0300

kubectl Installation and Nginx Configuration Introduced by kubernetes

Links to the original text: https://github.com/opsnull/follow-me-install-kubernetes-cluster kubectl Installation and Nginx Configuration Introduced by kubernetes Using nginx 4 layer transparent proxy function, K8S nodes (master and worker ...

Added by unclebob on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 14:03:57 +0300

Use of the ad-hoc command line for ansible serials

1. ansible batch operations and configuration management: In this blog, the following points of knowledge and practical experience are mainly explained for your reference: Introduction to ansible: _2. Use of common modules in ansible: _3. Use of ansible playbook: 1. Introduction to ansible: 1.1 Introduction to Ansible:_ansible is a python-base ...

Added by nemesis.2002 on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 19:10:11 +0300

MongoDB Learning: Backup Recovery

This paper mainly introduces the method of backup and recovery of MongoDB replica set, common commands, and some specific operation procedures. Finally, a backup scheme is introduced. I. Backup Method 0,oplog 0.1 What is oplogoplog is a capped collection, located in the local library 0.2 local Librarylocal libraries are the system libraries of ...

Added by saranya on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 05:35:37 +0300

Preparations for Hadoop Cluster Building-01

The whole process of building hadoop cluster includes preparation in advance Install zookeeper and configure the environment Compile, install and start hadoop Install HDFS to manage namenode and dataname to manage cluster hard disk resources Install and start yarn to build MapReduce to manage cpu and memory resources 01 Preparation ...

Added by gasxtreme on Sun, 21 Jul 2019 14:34:55 +0300

Local mode, pseudo-distributed cluster, distributed cluster and high-availability environment for HDFS systems for Hadoop 2.5.2

1. Prepare the environment (JDK and Hadoop) $ tar -zxf hadoop-2.5.2.tar.gz -C /opt/app/ // Uninstall java from Linux, install jdk1.8, hive only supports version 1.7 or above $ rpm -qa|grep java $ rpm -e --nodeps java Various documents 2. Environment Configuration Configure your environment with etc/hadoop/hadoop-env.sh in ...

Added by jeethau on Wed, 17 Jul 2019 20:20:54 +0300

Pure java implementation of sftp-jsch

Originality Statement: This article is totally original for the author, please respect the author's labor force. Reprint must indicate the original address. sftp and ftp To talk about sftp (SSH File Transfer Protocol), we first need to talk about ftp (File Transfer Protocol). As we all know, ftp is a file transfer protocol, which is based on tc ...

Added by pug on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 03:29:34 +0300

MySQL MHA High Availability Scheme

introduce MHA (Master High Availability) is currently a relatively mature solution to MySQL high availability. It is a set of excellent high availability software as fault handover and master-slave promotion in MySQL high availability environment. In the process of MySQL fault switching, MHA can automatically complete the database fault swi ...

Added by budder on Sat, 06 Jul 2019 02:18:30 +0300

Audit of Shared root Account Privileges for Different Operations and Maintenance Personnel in Linux

First, why?In small and medium-sized enterprises, different operation and maintenance personnel of the company basically use root account for server login management, lacking the audit system of account authority. If there is no problem, it is good. If there is a problem, it is difficult to find the source.This article describes how to use comp ...

Added by Bryan Ando on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 01:20:35 +0300

Deployment of Hadoop 2.7.3 distributed cluster memo on docker single machine

Deployment of Hadoop 2.7.3 distributed cluster memo on docker single machine [TOC] statement All the articles are my technical notes. Please indicate where they came from when they were reproduced. https://segmentfault.com/u/yzwall 0 docker version and hadoop Version Description PC: ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS Docker version: 17.03.1-ce OS/Arc ...

Added by flowingwindrider on Fri, 28 Jun 2019 02:42:15 +0300