Connection oriented Socket programming

Experiment 2 connection oriented Socket programming 1, Experimental purpose 1. Understand the working principle, service mode and type of Socket. 2. Understand the framework structure and related data structure of Socket application. 3. Understand the connection oriented Socket communication process. 4. Master the method of using WinSock func ...

Added by shab620 on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 23:31:04 +0300

Linux Network Services - DHCP

1, Understanding DHCP services 1.DHCP definition DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is a LAN network protocol. It refers to a range of IP addresses controlled by the server. When the client logs in to the server, it can automatically obtain the IP address and subnet mask assigned by the server. By default, DHCP, as a service com ...

Added by ahundiak on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 00:32:28 +0300

Python online chat room (windows)

#server address HOST = 'localhost' #Server port PORT = 9999 #Server pipeline address PIPE_PORT=9998 #Data buffer size BUFFERSIZE = 1024 #Server socket connection address ADDR = HOST,PORT #The server connects the keyboard to the server's pipe address PIPE_ADDR = HOST,PIPE_PORT #Default language selection language = 'cn' 2. : international ...

Added by Anzeo on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 10:55:17 +0300

Communication mechanism of ROS

Topic communication Principle of topic communication Topic communication has three roles: ROS Master (Manager)Talker (publisher)Listener (subscriber) The Master is responsible for linking publishers and subscribers to publish and subscribe links through the same topic. After the link, the publisher and subscriber can continuously publish ...

Added by rpieszak on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 23:46:13 +0300

Qt network programming to realize TCP communication

Qt network programming to realize TCP communication Labels (space delimited): Tcp communication 1, Introduction to Tcp (1) TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) TCP is a transport layer network protocol for data transmission. Several network protocols include (HTTP and FTP are based on TCP protocol). TCP is a reliable transport protocol for ...

Added by baudday on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 04:04:28 +0300

❥ you can't learn a series ❥ -- network programming based on Python

1, IP address 1. Concept of IP address IP address is an address that identifies devices in the network, just like the home address in real lifeRendering of equipment in the network: 2. Expression of IP address IP addresses fall into two categories: IPv4 and IPv6IPv4 is the currently used ip addressIPv6 is the ip address to be us ...

Added by Anarking on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 14:14:08 +0300

Analysis of NIOSOCKET's driest goods

About NIOSOCKET I won't introduce the underlying API of NIOSOCKET much here. Take the dry goods code directly I mainly realize NIOSCOKET simulated chat communication here I wrote an article about SOCKET and opened a new article about brother NIOSOCKET; SOCKET server niosocket service startup class is designed to establish a connection In ...

Added by rocksolidsr on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 06:34:17 +0300

Java MulticastSocket group chat application

In this article, we discuss a group chat application using the MulticastSocket (Java Platform SE 7) class. MulticastSocket is a (UDP) datagram socket with the additional function of joining other multicast host "groups" on the Internet. import*; import*; import java.util.*; public class GroupChat { private ...

Added by Doyley on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 07:54:21 +0300

PyQt5 GUI receives UDP data and dynamically draws (signaling between multiple threads)

1. Usage of QT   pyqt5 is the python version of qt. It mainly exists in the form of objects. It cannot be visualized in the process of programming, which brings a lot of inconvenience. To simplify pyqt5's interface design, we can use qt Designer (C: \ qt \ 5.12.11 \ mingw73)_ 32 \ bin \ designer. Exe). The generated graphical interfac ...

Added by ricmetal on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 00:55:31 +0300

Kali Linux learning notes -- active information collection of information collection

Active information collection Use the agent to send requests to achieve concealment, otherwise it is easy to be blocked; Use noise to submerge the real detection flow Discovery - layer 2 Discovery (arp layer): Non routable, broadcast based Control a machine, use two-tier tools, and continue to infiltrate the controlled machine as a springbo ...

Added by hkay1 on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 03:00:48 +0300