js function this understanding? Handwritten apply, call, bind is enough

First, what is this? This refers to the environment object on which the function is executed. That is to say, this of the function points to the execution environment of the calling function. function a(){ return this } console.log( a() === window) //true The function's this keyword behaves slightly differently in JavaScript, and there ar ...

Added by anf.etienne on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 16:09:17 +0300

Detailed configuration and alarm of nagios

I. Demand The update speed of Nagios is very fast. The company adopts the latest stable version nagios-4.0.8 and the plug-in is nagios-plugins-2.0.3. After using and testing the new version, it is found that the speed and alarm speed are much faster than before. Moreover, it occupies little operati ...

Added by sparkie624 on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 11:24:50 +0300

Tool Library-Document Operation Based on LibreOffice

Document conversion project based on libreoffice, no framework dependency, plug and play Project source code: github/workable-converter 1. Technology stack 2. Function 3. Use 3.1 Installation Configuration LibreOffice 6.2.3 3.2 Access Dependency 3.3 Edit Profile 3.4 Execute conversion 3.4.1 Conversion by File Path 3.4.2 Conversion by Input ...

Added by BlooPanthr on Mon, 05 Aug 2019 09:19:41 +0300

path and fs related modules

path module _u dirname: Get the absolute path directory of the current file _u filename: Get the path to the current file ctx.body = { dirName: __dirname, fileName: __filename } //{"dirName":"D:\\WEB\\koa_proj","fileName":"D:\\WEB\\koa_proj\\app.js"} path.join(p1, p2): for splicing paths //"D:\\WEB\\koa_proj\\file.txt" path.jo ...

Added by Quilmes on Sun, 04 Aug 2019 06:07:42 +0300

Using Seq2Seq for Chinese-English translation

1. Introduction 1.1 Deep NLP Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an interdisciplinary branch of computer science, artificial intelligence and linguistics. It mainly enables computers to process or understand natural languages, such as machine translation, question and answer systems.But NLP is often considered difficult because of its complexi ...

Added by sheffrem on Sat, 03 Aug 2019 19:10:44 +0300

Decompile pyinstaller packaged exe installation package

How PyInstaller decompiles (cracks source code) and prevents decompiling Python files after they are packaged as exe Share some tips and experiences here.Keep the author's information and article links for sharing, reprinting or citing your hard work. Author's environment: win7+python3.5(anaconda3) Theoretically, systems with win7 and ...

Added by friday_13 on Fri, 02 Aug 2019 03:46:14 +0300

Arctium Chinensis ai

This is Ben's first blog, qwq (not counting last one) This time, let me tell you about a project I wrote a long time ago, Gobang AI (just flipped out of my U disk) In fact, I can still win this AI, because this AI will not play games like 33, 34 (I don't know what to do, I can search the Internet, I understand it well), and there are some stran ...

Added by genom on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 21:55:20 +0300

Use of BOM and DOM in JavaScript

BOM: Concept: Browser Object Model Browser Object Model Encapsulate the components of the browser into objects. Form: Window: Window object Navigator: Browser Object Screen: Display screen object History: Historical Record Object Location: Address Bar Object Window: Window object Establish Method Methods related to pop-up boxes: a ...

Added by dbchip2000 on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 05:44:03 +0300

Super fun vbs code (prank code)

Original Link: https://blog.csdn.net/dongge825/article/details/8025451   VBScript is short for Visual Basic Script, Microsoft Visual BASIC scripting language, sometimes abbreviated as VBS.It is a lightweight interpretive language in M ...

Added by MickeySox on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 04:42:33 +0300

Windows socket program demonstration

Demonstrated the socket program under Linux, look at the socket program under Windows. Similarly, server.cpp is server-side code and client is client-side code. Server-side code server.cpp: #include <stdio.h> #include <winsock2.h> #Pragma comment (lib,'ws2_32.lib') / / load ws2_32.dll int m ...

Added by eagleweb on Wed, 31 Jul 2019 07:53:17 +0300