Mina Implements the Complete Process of Socket Communication

title: Mina server-side client communicationdate: 2018-09-30 09:00:30tags: - [mina] - [tcp] categories: - [Programming] permalink: zxh [TOC] The first two chapters have introduced the theory completely. Today we use these theories to implement the c/s communication of tcp protocol.First, let's briefly review the previous introduction.In mina, o ...

Added by kaos057 on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 05:30:04 +0300

Quick start to pyecharts summary

Recently, in the development of stock visualization cases, pyecharts visualization tools are used more, mainly the following feelings and share with you:1. For students who have just learned visualization or data analysis, they can spend a few days ...

Added by commandonz on Fri, 23 Aug 2019 05:30:33 +0300

Configuring vscode c + + environment under windows/linux(ubuntu)

vscode is a text editor, similar to editplus. There are many plug-ins on it. It is a common alternative to C++ development when you can't use the legitimate visual studio. But please note that it can't be equated with IDE. Install vscode Download the installation package under windows and install it in the way of general software Download addre ...

Added by justcrapx on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 14:43:23 +0300

netty Case, Intermediate Extension of netty 4.1 Six "SpringBoot+Netty+Elasticsearch Collect Log Information Data Storage"

Preamble Introduction In a real development scenario, we want to store a large amount of business and user behavior data for analysis and processing, but because of the large amount of data and the need for analytic capabilities, it is more reasona ...

Added by nodehopper on Thu, 22 Aug 2019 04:27:08 +0300

python piano block automatic script

Preface In the United States, I just got off the plane and wrote this blog while waiting for my luggage to commemorate my two-day history of trampling pits, as well as a new way of thinking, programming for Baidu. This article introduces how to use p ...

Added by jesse24 on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:20:35 +0300

Using Python and shell to realize long stitching cases of text processing

Recently, due to the new requirements of business systems, our platform needs to provide supplier G with a kind of data conversion format and then provide it to customer K. The headache of comparison is that the data provided by supplier G are stored in Excel under Windows, and the data type previously agreed by customer K with our relevant doc ...

Added by Shadow Hatake on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 14:45:14 +0300

python reptile cookies at 8th pass

Project: Blog Comments I registered an account in advance - account: spiderman, password: crawler 334566. Please copy the following blog login address and open it in the browser: https://wordpress-edu-3autumn.localprod.oc.forchange.cn/wp-login.php ...

Added by rotto on Tue, 20 Aug 2019 09:19:54 +0300

CS224N Brush Title: Assignment 3.1_A Window into NER

Assignment #3 A primer on named entity recognition In this section, we will build several different models to implement named entity recognition (NER). NER is a sub-task of information extraction, which aims to locate and classify named entitie ...

Added by php-coder on Mon, 19 Aug 2019 16:02:24 +0300

Timing Task Scheduling Based on Quartz.Net Component in Window s Service

Preface: In The previous chapter In this paper, we use console to achieve scheduling of timed tasks, and have a general understanding of how to implement tasks based on Quartz.Net components, including at least three parts: job (job), trigger (trigger), scheduler (scheduler). Job is the business logic that needs to be executed in a timed task. ...

Added by nishmgopla on Sun, 18 Aug 2019 14:44:59 +0300

Getting Started with Spring: Runtime Value Injection

Spring provides two ways to inject values at runtime: Property placeholder Spring Expression Language (SpEL) 1. Property placeholders 1.1 Injection External Value 1.1.1 Using Environment Normally, we put some values in the configuration file and then inject them into some fields when the program runs. Suppose we have a test.properties configu ...

Added by mtucker6784 on Fri, 16 Aug 2019 04:40:57 +0300