Introduction to Construction Method, Encapsulation, Keyword (this, static) and Code Block
1. Construction Method
1.1 Difference between Constructing Method and Membership Method
The structural methods are divided into parametric and parametric structures, in which the parametric and parametric methods are the overload relations of the methods.
The constructor is called when initializing the object of a class. It has no return value. ...
Added by twmcmahan on Fri, 17 May 2019 12:11:28 +0300
Vue Core Knowledge-Use Scenarios and Methods of computed and watch
Do not use computed
Simple string splicing
import Vue from 'vue'
new Vue({
el: '#root',
template: `
<span>Name: {{firstName + ' ' + lastName}}</span>
data: {
firstName: 'Jokcy',
lastName: 'Lou'
Using computed
new Vue({
el: '#ro ...
Added by mk1200 on Fri, 17 May 2019 09:57:22 +0300
Mobile Compressed Pictures, Upload Pictures and Compress-lrz.all.bundle.js Plug-in
In recent days, the company has a need to change bank cards. It uses the function of uploading pictures (uploading ID cards and bank cards). Then I Baidu, which synthesizes the information on the Internet, has worked out. Now I share my experience with you.
First of all, we refer to plug-ins, which must be downloaded, ...
Added by noelswanson on Fri, 17 May 2019 07:14:13 +0300
WeChat Applet View Layer WXS_Data Type
data type
The WXS language currently has the following data types:
boolean: boolean
Object: object
Function: function
Date: date
regexp: regular
number consists of two numbers: integer and decimal.
var a = 10;var PI = 3.141592653589793;
constructor: Returns the string "N ...
Added by PDP11 on Fri, 17 May 2019 07:06:13 +0300
Five Suggestions on Neo4j and ypher Batch Update and Batch Insertion Optimization
Links to the original text:
Note: After testing, I modified some of the Cypher statements in the original text to conform to the grammatical rules.
When writing large amounts of data to a graphical databa ...
Added by messels on Thu, 16 May 2019 23:05:58 +0300
Collection of JavaScript, Object-Oriented Programming (2)!
Today I went on to write the last one. Yesterday I was so tired this week that I rushed to work overtime every day. At 12 o'clock yesterday, my neck began to ache. Okay, no nonsense. It's time to start
Inheritance: Subclasses inherit attributes and methods in parent classes, which do not require implementation in subclasses
Types of i ...
Added by unstable_geek on Thu, 16 May 2019 20:12:06 +0300
Development of Nail SDK Based on C# (1) --Reconstruction and optimization of official SDK
In the past time, contacting a customer who likes nailing and has widely used nails in the internal scene for the internal management of the factory, such as nail attendance, daily approval, nail projection, nail access control and so on, I realized that nails have been widely used in the enterprise, so I went back to study some business scope ...
Added by kevinkorb on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:51:46 +0300
python Tripartite Library requests - Quick Start
Based on 2.21.0
Send request
Send GET requests:
r = requests.get('')
Send POST request:
r ='', data={'key':'value'})
Other request interfaces are identical to HTTP request types, such as PUT, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, etc.
Using parameters in URL query strings
Pass a dictionary ob ...
Added by Herk on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:33:00 +0300
Spring's IoC Explanation
Introduction to SpringII. Spring's IoC Actual WarfareIII. Summary of Common Annotations of IoCIV. Project Source Code and Reference Download5. Reference Articles
Introduction to Spring
1. What is Spring
Spring is a lightweight open source framework for layered Java SE/EE application full-stack. With IoC (Inverse Of Control) and AOP ...
Added by tanita on Thu, 16 May 2019 17:24:54 +0300
Interfaces, abstract classes and implementation classes
Interfaces, abstract classes and implementation classes
1. Interface is the most abstract layer, without any implementation; abstract layer can implement part of the interface method, but also can customize the method; implementation class must implement all methods.2. Interfaces can be implemented by classes (abstract classe ...
Added by MadnessRed on Thu, 16 May 2019 15:19:31 +0300