Tencent background development Java post: comprehensive analysis of Java intermediate and advanced core knowledge

It's very simple here. Only one is maintained internally `byte` Type `data` Array, actually `byte` It still occupies as much as one byte and can be optimized into `bit`Instead, it is only used to facilitate simulation. In addition, I created three different`hash`Function is actually a reference`HashMap`Hash jitter method, respectively, using it ...

Added by lupld on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 06:13:50 +0200

Redis cache: ten thousand words long! Starting from the bottom, it will take you to understand concurrent programming

![](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/24195226-95f672f1095c9a4c.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240) We all know`StringBuffer`It is thread safe because its key methods are added`synchronized`,However, it can be seen from the print result that the lock is eliminated. because`buffer`This reference will only be ...

Added by hollyspringer on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 04:48:40 +0200

Super detailed!!! Complete knowledge points of SpringCloud (including Eureka, Zookeeper, Consul, Ribbon, Openfeign and Hystrix)

All supporting materials have been uploaded to QQ group: 167356412; if necessary, the group file can be obtained by yourself Spring Cloud China community official website: http://springcloud.cn Spring Cloud China Community Forum: http://bbs.springcloud.cn Spring Cloud China community documentation: http://docs.springcloud.cn 1, Introduc ...

Added by BIGjuevos on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 01:51:43 +0200

Spring framework entry foundation, hard work for a month

decoupling Just now we said that the creation of resources was entrusted to sring. We can find spring for what we need. This process is like a factory model. But what objects it needs to create in the spring framework, it needs a configuration file. This configuration file tells spring which resources need to be created. For example, su ...

Added by ma9ic on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 01:29:56 +0200

16 dynamic graphs: a Python visualization tool that is easy to use

Generally speaking, when it comes to data visualization, Python readers may think of matplotlib module or seaborn module for the first time, while when it comes to drawing dynamic charts, they think more of Plotly or pyechards. Today, I'd like to introduce another module for drawing dynamic charts, which is very convenient to use, and the c ...

Added by mattee on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:52:21 +0200

Database front-end and back-end interaction from back-end to front-end tutorial II

Database front-end and back-end interaction from back-end to front-end tutorial II preface It is divided into two blogs, taking the student management system as an example to realize the front-end and back-end interaction (it is not designed here, but focuses on the operation process!) Some software involved in the following will be intro ...

Added by mshallop on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:47:25 +0200

The role of tag in CousumeQueue

Raising questions Existence is meaningful. What is the purpose of storing the hashcode of the message tag in ConsumeQueue? The data found is used for message filtering, because consumers can consume messages according to topics and tag s consumer.subscribe("TopicTest", "TagA"); So is the message filtering in the broker or the condenser? Ac ...

Added by flunn on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 00:02:59 +0200

Basic introduction to python (10) loop statement

catalogue 1, If... Else statement I if statement II indent III elif statement IV else statement 4.1 basic else 4.2) and statement 4.3) or statement 4.4) nested if statements 4.4) pass statement 2, while loop statement I Basic understanding II Interrupt statement III continue statement IV else statement 3, for loop statement I B ...

Added by TashaAT on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 23:39:05 +0200

Advanced Java ---- exception handling

An unexpected event that occurs when a program is running, which prevents the program from executing normally as expected by the programmer, which is an exception. When an exception occurs, do you allow the program to live and die, exit and terminate immediately, or output an error to the user? Or C language style: using function return value a ...

Added by threaders on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 22:56:17 +0200

Daniel, teach you hand in hand! Spring MVC - Crazy God notes

Write web XML, register DispatcherServlet Writing spring MVC configuration files The next step is to create the corresponding control class, controller Finally, improve the correspondence between the front-end view and the controller (the parameters of Model type are declared in the method to bring the data in the Action to the view) Test ...

Added by hawkeyes on Wed, 29 Dec 2021 21:12:48 +0200