MyBatis study notes_ day02 L2 cache principle

L2 cache principle 1. L2 cache 1.1 definitions L2 cache is also called application level cache. Different from L1 cache, its scope is the whole application and can be used across threads. Therefore, L2 cache has a higher hit rate and is suitable for caching some data with less modification. When it comes to L2 cache, let's briefly talk ...

Added by eideticmnemonic on Sun, 24 Oct 2021 14:22:20 +0300

Grain mall advanced chapter - distributed lock and cache

1, Local cache (single project)      If it is a single project, the cache only needs to consider its current application, but in the micro service, each micro service must have a cache service, and the data update must update its own cache, which may lead to data inconsistency Let's take a look at the process of sing ...

Added by designrandom on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 04:07:49 +0300

Spring cache cache notes

Spring is an abstraction layer for caching 1. Introduce dependency spring-boot-starter-cache spring-boot-starter-data-redis 2. Write configuration Configure the cache used in the application spring.cache.type=redis 2.1 cache name It can be generated automatically without configuration, If configured, the function of creating this name ...

Added by LightningSt on Fri, 17 Sep 2021 17:20:45 +0300

Flutter-Performance optimization: Picture placeholders, pre-caching and disable navigation transition animation, byte hopping social recruitment interview records

The following GIF diagram shows the layout jump without a picture placeholder: See the full example in DartPad If you have cached a picture placeholder in your app, you can use FadeInImage Widgets to display placeholders.If you want to use a widget instead of a picture as a placeholder, you can use Image.frameBuilder&nbs ...

Added by piznac on Thu, 02 Sep 2021 03:38:23 +0300