Cache system invalidation algorithm and its application

1 first come first out (FIFO) Invalidation algorithms are common in cache systems. Because the cache often occupies a large amount of memory, and the memory space is relatively expensive and the space is limited, some values should be invalidated or removed according to the corresponding algorithm. 1.1 general First In First Out. This ...

Added by astribuncio on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 17:40:21 +0200

Doris partition cache

Partition cache Demand scenario Most data analysis scenarios write less and read more. The data is written once and read more frequently. For example, the dimensions and indicators involved in a report are calculated at one time in the early morning, but there are hundreds or even thousands of page accesses every day. Therefore, it is very su ...

Added by ph3n0m on Mon, 24 Jan 2022 22:50:10 +0200

Go language Bible - Chapter 9 concurrency based on shared variables - 9.7 example: concurrent non blocking cache

Chapter 9 concurrency based on shared variables In the previous chapter, we used direct and natural methods such as goroutine and channel to implement concurrency. Sometimes they have some problems In this chapter, we will introduce the concurrency mechanism in more detail, especially the sharing of variables between goroutines. We will also ...

Added by ManOnScooter on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 11:09:47 +0200

Java: simple understanding and use of LRU caching mechanism for data structure notes

LRU caching mechanism 1. Title Original question link Using the data structure you have mastered, design and implement an LRU (least recently used) caching mechanism. It should support the following operations: get data and write data put. Get data (key) - if the keyword (key) exists in the cache, get the value of the keyword (always pos ...

Added by puritania on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 18:27:47 +0200

Enterprise operation and maintenance - Codis deployment

catalogue 1, Introduction 2, Install and deploy go and codis 1. Download 2. Deploy go 3. codis environment installation and deployment 4. codis start (1) Start CODIS dashboard (2) Start CODIS proxy (3) Start CODIS server (4) Start CODIS Fe 3, Add group through fe 4, Initialize slot through fe 5, Cluster configuration 1. Add two Re ...

Added by ataylor20 on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 15:51:56 +0200

37. TabBarView component of fluent

TabBarView is a Tab layout component provided in the Material component library. It is usually used with TabBar. TabBarView TabBarView encapsulates PageView, and its construction method is very simple TabBarView({ Key? key, required this.children, // tab page this.controller, // TabController this.physics, this.dragStartBehavior ...

Added by phice on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 17:49:49 +0200

Implementation of several locks in redis

1. redis lock classification The locking commands that redis can use are INCR, SETNX and SET 2. The first lock command INCR The idea of locking is that if the key does not exist, the value of the key will be initialized to 0 first, and then the INCR operation will be performed to add one.   Then, other users add one hour when executing t ...

Added by wardmaestro on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 01:13:36 +0200

Redis 32: actual combat: redis cluster mode

In the last article, we talked about the construction of Redis cluster and the dynamic addition and deletion of nodes. Here we will briefly review. 30001 ~ 30006 are the clusters we built initially, and 30007 and 30008 are the master-slave nodes dynamically added later. We use the -- cluster info command to see the allocation of master nodes an ...

Added by snowman2344 on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 00:30:42 +0200

Redis 31: actual combat: redis cluster mode

Redis Cluster is a Redis Cluster scheme launched by redis version 3.0. It distributes data in different service areas to reduce the system's dependence on a single master node and greatly improve the read-write performance of redis services. Redis divides all data into 16384 slots, and each node is responsible for a part of the slots. When a r ...

Added by ctoshack on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 09:23:41 +0200

Chapter 6 using% File object

Chapter 6 using% File object If you want to manipulate the File itself, you need to use% library The% New() method of File instantiates the% File object. The class also provides instance methods that allow the File to be used. Note: this section provides several examples of using the% File object for illustration. For simple fil ...

Added by marms on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:02:29 +0200