Spring data redis dynamically switches data sources

Recently, we encountered a troublesome demand. We need a microservice application to access two different Redis clusters at the same time. Generally, we don't use Redis in this way, but the two Redis were originally different business clusters, and now a microservice needs to be accessed at the same time. In fact, we may encounter similar scen ...

Added by MilesStandish on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 10:25:17 +0200

Probably the most voluminous Spring source code series: circular dependency

I've read too many articles about circular dependency. I feel that most of them only talk about how circular dependency is implemented. For the time being, I haven't seen any articles that can really explain why L3 cache is used. In order to better analyze the code received by spring, this article is arranged first. Definition of cache level ...

Added by jpr on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 09:11:17 +0200

Redis high performance database

1, Redis overview: Redis: it is a persistent single process and single thread key value type cache system. Similar to memcached, it supports relatively more stored value types, including string (string), list (list), set (set) zset(sorted set -- ordered set) and hashes (hash type). These data types all support push/pop, add/remove, intersectio ...

Added by trp on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 05:25:03 +0200

redis distributed cache entry to proficiency

01... Getting started with redis caching brief introduction background In our current project architecture, the Web server (Tomcat) and database are basically deployed independently and monopolize the server resources. With the growth of the number of users, concurrent reading and writing to the database will increase the pressure on dat ...

Added by ronald29x on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 14:44:29 +0200

Android bitmap cache strategy, understand these, and come to Alibaba directly

How to avoid consuming too much traffic? When the program loads a picture from the network for the first time, it caches it on the mobile device, so that when the picture is used again, it does not need to download it from the network again, saving traffic for users. At present, a commonly used cache algorithm is lru (least recently used). It ...

Added by redmonkey on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 19:51:33 +0200

Detailed explanation of Redis basic functions

Distributed cache - detailed explanation of Redis basic functions 1. Preface After several years of development, the concept of cache should be familiar. Common cache components include redis, mongodb and memcached. This article briefly introduces the common usage scenarios of redis and the use of basic APIs. redis is a database based on key ...

Added by bugsuperstar37 on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 06:28:49 +0200

Master slave replication, clustering and application [Redis Chapter 4]

1. Master slave replication 1.1 INTRODUCTION What is master-slave replication? After the host data is updated, it is automatically synchronized to the Master / Slave mechanism of the standby machine according to the configuration and policy. The Master is mainly write and the Slave is mainly read. purpose Read write separation, perf ...

Added by viriio on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 02:58:48 +0200

Climbing the Spring Pearl mulama peak: preInstantiateSingletons method, L3 cache, circular dependency

1) Spring L3 cache and circular dependency This article will take the DefaultListableBeanFactory#preInstantiateSingletons method as the starting point, and mainly sort out the problems related to L3 cache and circular dependency. The following is a brief review of the process between. For details, see another article: Spring launch proces ...

Added by nadnad on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 22:42:13 +0200

redis source code reading 3 - finally understand the main task execution

stay Reading 2 of redis source code - finally understand the redis startup process The start-up process of redis is introduced, and a diagram is also drawn. Today, let me explain in detail how the main task of redis is implemented. Let's look at the flow chart first There are three main tasks in redis: EventLoop - > beforesleep create a ...

Added by psychotomus on Tue, 14 Dec 2021 03:37:44 +0200

Laravel_Model_Cache (plug-in for cache optimization for rapidly updated numerical attributes)

preface:Some values of the items in hand often need to be modifiedFor example, the balance of the wallet tableIt is mainly due to some design defects. It is prone to deadlock. Even if there is no lock, it will be very slowA pit needs to be filled repeatedlyJust want to make a plug-in that is less intrusive and does not need to change the source ...

Added by Big_Rog on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 22:25:05 +0200