ABP frame entry pit - configure User Secrets

Configure User Secrets ABP pit record - Contents cause In the past, I used to save the connection string and other information in User Secrets, but when I moved the connection string to secrets.json, I found that the following errors would be reported during migration: In short, connection string information cannot be obtained durin ...

Added by gmbot on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:12:37 +0300

Why are people reluctant to use Mybatis after JOOQ is used in the project?

Preface: (welfare at the end of the article) Today I'd like to introduce a new ORM framework - > jooq. Maybe many friends haven't heard of this framework Mybatis framework has been used as the persistent layer access framework in Java projects before. However, some recent projects have been developed with JOOQ framework, indicating that the ...

Added by andrewdunstall on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 09:59:26 +0300

freecplus framework - load parameter file

1, Source code description Freecplus is a C/C + + open source framework under Linux system. Please go to the C language technology network (www.freecplus.net) to download the source code. This paper introduces the method of loading parameter file in freecplus framework. The declaration file for functions and classes is freecplus / 65124; freec ...

Added by natbrazil on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 19:41:01 +0300

redis source learning 01: String sds

Preface This article is the learning notes of redis source code on string processing, welcome to correct. The version of redis is 5.0.5. I won't elaborate on the functions, uses and performance of redis. text In the main topic, redis provides its own string storage and related operations. The source files are in sds.h and sds.c. In the process ...

Added by aesthetics1 on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 13:48:17 +0300

Pthon 3.x Learning Note 10 (Destructor and Inheritance)

1. Use of class variables:Common properties to save money (memory) 2. Destructors Executed when an instance is released and destroyed, usually to do some finishing work, such as closing some database links and opening temporary files 3. Private methodsBeginning with two underscores, declare that the method is private and cannot be called outs ...

Added by jevman on Sun, 19 Apr 2020 19:20:39 +0300

The Transactions and Persistence of the redis Actual War

1. Transaction description (1) What is a transaction A transaction is a bundle of things that are bound together and executed sequentially until they are successful, otherwise they are restored to their previous state Transactions must be subject to ACID principles, which are atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability, respectively. ...

Added by christh on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 01:04:59 +0300

Odoo Web front end interface details - 2

As mentioned in the previous chapter, the login interface appears. After we input the user name and password, what did odoo do? The developer mode in chrome. See the request as follows The code is as follows # web/controllers/main.py:483 # Login logic, if request.httprequest.method == 'POST': old_uid = request.uid ...

Added by Bluemercury on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:13:19 +0300

Literal operation database

Litepal is an open-source Android database framework. It uses the object relational mapping (ORM) mode to encapsulate some database functions that we usually use. Add dependent file compile 'org.litepal.android:core:1.6.1'Object relational mapping (ORM): the programming language we use is the object-oriented language, and the database we use ...

Added by geetakhurana on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 19:25:04 +0300

Mars open source monthly (March 2020)

This month, Mars released 0.4.0b1 ,0.4.0b2 and 0.3.2 as well as 0.3.3 , click the link to view the detailed Release Notes. The two releases this month are special cases. 0.4.0b2 fixes the more urgent problems in 0.4.0b1. Mars project release cycle Here is a brief introduction to the release cycle of Mars. Mars takes one month as the release cy ...

Added by Supplement on Mon, 13 Apr 2020 10:57:13 +0300

Overview of redis for NoSQL + Deployment

1. Relational and non-relational databasesRelational DatabaseA relational database is a structured database, built on a relational model and generally oriented to recordsHe works with data in databases using mathematical concepts and methods such as set algebraRelational models refer to two-dimensional table models, so a relational database is ...

Added by adiwood on Fri, 10 Apr 2020 04:16:00 +0300