Docker installing Rocket MQ

1. Overall structure Before installing RocketMQ, let's first understand the deployment architecture and components of RocketMQ, and then install RocketMQ based on the current mainstream Docker. We install a single RocketMQ here. However, in order to prevent single node failure and ensure high availability, it is recommended to install RocketMQ ...

Added by mariaak83 on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 08:17:56 +0200

Hadoop is fully distributed (Zookeeper is not configured)

1, Prepare resources (1 ~ 4 downloads are free resources, or you can download them yourself) Operating system (CentOS7) (1) desktop version is used as master: Baidu online disk link: Click download Extraction code: wz4z (2) the version without desktop is used as a slave: Baidu online disk link: Click download Extraction code: gjyfHadoop-2.9.2 ...

Added by jayarsee on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:59:11 +0200

RabbitMQ retry mechanism

The consumer may report an error during message processing. How to reprocess the message? There are two solutions. Record the number of retries in redis or database. After the maximum number of retries is reached, the messages enter the dead letter queue or other queues, and then process these messages separately; Use the retry function i ...

Added by daddymac on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 07:29:39 +0200

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed optimizer -- Cornerstone

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed optimizer (1) -- Cornerstone 0x00 summary Let's look at the distributed optimizer in a few articles. This series is divided into three articles: the cornerstone, the data parallel optimizer in DP/DDP/Horovod, and the PyTorch distributed optimizer, which are progressive in depth. This article is ...

Added by screamer141 on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 17:34:18 +0200

Rocket Message Queue installation and application (summary)

Message: information carrier            Queue: data structure, first in first out   Several application mechanisms of message queuing: 1. Asynchronous communication The communication mode of message queue is similar to that of distributed service call, but asynchronous communication ...

Added by sparrrow on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 15:54:03 +0200

rabbitMq implements delay queue

Business scenario: 1. If the order is not paid for 30 minutes, it will be automatically cancelled. How can we achieve this? 2. Send a text message to the user 60 seconds after the order is generated 1 install rabbitMq windows installer Installed in ubuntu 2 add maven dependency <!-- ...

Added by badre on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 12:00:42 +0200

Detailed explanation of common commands of Tencent cloud Elasticsearch cluster operation and maintenance (Chapter I)

Tencent cloud Elasticsearch Service product provides a fully managed cloud service. Customers can create clusters with one click on Tencent cloud console, easily manage clusters, and highly flexible elastic configuration change mode. Therefore, with Tencent cloud ES, you can quickly deploy and expand your cluster on demand, simplify compl ...

Added by akeane on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 05:38:35 +0200

Distributed lock: Redisson source code analysis FairLock

1, What is FairLock In the previous chapter, we output the class diagram of Redisson distributed lock core code. We can observe that FairLock is a subclass based on RedissonLock, that is, it implements some other features based on RedissonLock Core concept Compared with the previous ReentrantLock and the current FairLock, as the name sug ...

Added by Celadon on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 06:52:08 +0200

I built a Hadoop 3. X pseudo distributed environment with a free server

preface Recently, in the communication with fans, it was said that the white whoring server has not been used yet. Here I provide a way to use it: She inspired me by the concept of pseudo distributed Hadoop deployment. Because my private work often needs to use Hadoop cluster, local startup has been criticized for slow startup speed, t ...

Added by afam4eva on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 10:38:51 +0200

This is the correct way to open the Springboot transaction creation process (with source code analysis)

SpringBoot transaction Transactions are a relatively important part of Springboot. It is also a usage scenario of aop. Let's analyze the whole transaction creation process from the perspective of source code. Many of the loads in the springboot startup process are common, so I won't talk about them in detail. For this part, please refer to ...

Added by evildarren on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 15:48:23 +0200