rabbitmq advanced features

3.RabbitMQ cluster construction Absrtact: the cluster scheme of message queue will be adopted in practical production applications. If RabbitMQ is selected, it is necessary to understand its cluster scheme principle Generally speaking, if it is only to learn RabbitMQ or verify the correctness of business engineering, it is OK to use its singl ...

Added by jayR on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 03:57:04 +0200

Analysis of Redis Sentinel Mechanism

1. Preface Last article Redis Master-Slave Replication Principle In this paper, a basic principle of master-slave replication is briefly explained, which includes full replication, replication backlog buffer and incremental replication. Interested students can look at it first. With master-slave replication, read-write separation, data backup ...

Added by skyloon on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 21:25:09 +0200

Detailed explanation of common commands for Tencent cloud Elasticsearch cluster operation and maintenance (index 3)

In the first two articles, we introduced some commands commonly used in daily cluster operation and maintenance from the cluster and node layers. Next, we will continue to introduce several commonly used cluster operation and maintenance API s from the index level.Index related commands1. View basic information of cluster indexGET _cat/indices ...

Added by arhunter on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:12:56 +0200

Spring Cloud Alibaba: demonstration of local and distributed transactions & used by Seata

The concepts related to transactions will not be introduced. This blog first demonstrates local transactions and distributed transactions, and then introduces the basic use of Seata. Later, it will introduce Seata's cluster, registry, configuration center and various transaction modes. Version Description Construction works A parent module ...

Added by lynncrystal on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:08:49 +0200

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed elastic training - start & single node process

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed elastic training (2) - start & single node process 0x00 summary In the previous article, we have learned the basic distributed modules of PyTorch and introduced several official examples. Next, we will introduce the elastic training of PyTorch. This article is the second, focusing on how to s ...

Added by AbeFroman on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 15:14:35 +0200

Kafka: Topic concept and API introduction

Topic Events are organized and persistently stored in Topic, which is similar to a folder in the file system, and events are the files in the folder. Topics in Kafka are always multi producers and multi subscribers: a Topic can have zero, one or more producers write events to it, or zero, one or more consumers subscribe to these events. The ev ...

Added by maseeha on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:25:07 +0200

The most complete introduction to SpringCloudAlibaba in history takes you in-depth from scratch ♂ Learning - environment building

Spring cloud Alibaba (I) -- environment construction Introduction to spring cloud Alibaba springcloud The spring team has an open source microservice tool set to help us quickly build distributed systems (microservice systems) and provide netflix for spring organizations springcloud alibaba The open source microservice toolset of alibaba t ...

Added by adt2007 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 01:50:01 +0200

nacos service registration and discovery

nacos service registration Please refer to the previous blog for basic knowledge of nacos and download and installation: nacos installation, operation and feature understanding The topic of this blog: both consumers and producers are registered in nacos, and consumer services can achieve load balancing and call producers. And it shows that the ...

Added by j0hn_ on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 15:22:17 +0200

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed elastic training - monitoring / fault tolerance

[source code analysis] PyTorch distributed elastic training (6) - monitoring / fault tolerance 0x00 summary As for PyTorch elastic training, we have introduced Agent and rendezous respectively so far, but some parts are not in-depth, such as monitoring. This paper unifies them and logically combs the elastic training as a whole. The flex ...

Added by running_out_of_imagination on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 07:51:34 +0200

Solution to distributed transaction - seata

Recommended - seata Official website: https://seata.io/zh-cn/ Seata currently has three distributed transaction implementation schemes: AT, TCC and SAGA AT mode mainly focuses on the data consistency of multi DB access. Of course, it also includes the 2PC improvement of multi DB data access consistency under multi servicesTCC mode mainly foc ...

Added by birwin on Sat, 01 Jan 2022 22:48:07 +0200