Nedb's simple learning

Original tutorial address Nedb -- Node embedded database Simple demo <template> <div> <el-button type="primary" @click="addOneUser">Add user</el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="search">query</el-button> </div> </template> <script> // Import related metho ...

Added by natalieG on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 17:02:35 +0200

Simple example of Electron

Electron can use pure JavaScript to call rich native APIs to create desktop applications. We can think of it as a node JS, which focuses on desktop applications rather than Web server-side. From the perspective of development, Electron application is essentially a node JS application. And node JS module is the same, and the application entry i ...

Added by hazy on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 01:02:30 +0200

Part III of Electron -- Realization of basic functions

preface Earlier, we learned what Electron is and how to communicate in process. If you want to know more about it, you can click the first article "teach you to develop desktop applications with one click" and the second article "Electron Chapter 2 - process communication" Next, let's do something about PC desktop applica ...

Added by walnoot on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 05:17:13 +0200

Electron tutorial: what is electron, its origin, applicable scenarios and environment

Electron tutorial (1): what is electron, its origin, applicable scenarios and environment preface Recently, I have a small need to make a tool that can edit local specific text. It needs to cross platforms, Windows and macOS. In this way, if you use native development, Windows will use c# macOS and swift. The learning cost is high, and it ...

Added by pbs on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:41:46 +0200

Electron Vue Development Notes - select Folder

Recently, in the development process, I met a strange and familiar demand: selecting folders. It seems simple, but in fact there are pits. This paper records my pit mining process. Requirement description The user selects a folder (note that it is not a file, but a folder), and then gets the local global path of the folder from the front end ...

Added by Harley1979 on Thu, 30 Dec 2021 15:00:26 +0200

Electron process management tool development diary 3: process pool load balancing, intelligent start and stop

>>Original linkSome of the tools and methods implemented in this paper are in the early / test stage and are still under continuous optimization. They are only for referenceAt Ubuntu 20 Developed / tested on 04, available for electron project, test version: Electron@8.2.0 / 9.3. fiveContents├── Contents (you are here!) │ ├── I. preface ├ ...

Added by levi_501_dehaan on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 18:26:58 +0200

Building desktop applications using electron ic framework [Huihong]

preface Electron is a framework that can use JavaScript, HTML, CSS and other technologies to build native programs. In other words, using electron allows us to use web technology to develop desktop applications. The GUI core of electron comes from Chrome. It uses V8 (JavaScript engine) and is written based on C + +. Many programs on the mark ...

Added by nick2price on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 05:26:48 +0200

Electronic foundation + quick start to create electron ic project

Main process and rendering process Define native menu, top menu   File reading display define custom keyboard shortcut   The main process communicates with the rendering process pack Development of electron ic integration framework   1, Basic introduction of Electron 1. What does electron do? Electron is a cross platform ...

Added by ChetUbetcha on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 12:22:18 +0200