Laravel Composer automatic loading mechanism

outline PHP autoloading function 1.1 Origin of PHP autoloading function 1.2 PHP autoload function u autoload() Problems with 1.3 u autoload() Function 1.4 SPL Autoload PSR Specification The automatic loading process of comoposer composer source analysis 4.1 Startup 4.2 Composer autoload file 1, PHP autoloading function 1.1 Origin o ...

Added by Dolemite50 on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 10:54:58 +0200

Android Development Notes - RecyclerView

Summary RecyclerView is a scroll control provided in support:recyclerview-v7. To use this control, you need to do the following: Introduce dependency Library Add RecyclerView label to layout file Create a single layout file Create adapter class Set up the layout manager and adapter for Recyclerview in the activity Altho ...

Added by sam_rich on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 19:38:04 +0200

Android IOS like PopupWindow and general base PopupWindow

screenshot pw.png Realization 1, 1.1. Realize dynamic loading of different layout s 1.2. Whether the background is translucent after the dynamic configuration is popped up and restored when it is closed (monitor ondismiss and use the window class to change color) 1.3. Some basic method abstraction methods ...

Added by nullified on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 18:47:30 +0200

WebApi realizes the upload and download of single file

Upload and download are very common functions. Only when they are used can they find that they can't write... After a lot of Baidu, filtering, sorting and modification, the function is realized. The following is a simple record of the implementation method. I. upload function 1. Front end code Upload files <input type="file" id="file" /> ...

Added by FURQAN on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 02:43:30 +0200

Learn crawler the next day: continue to climb the company's internal address book

import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re #First, get headers from chrome, including user agent and cookie headers = { 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36', 'Cookie': 'tips=1... } #Get information about an individual ...

Added by mb81 on Wed, 11 Dec 2019 02:41:13 +0200

ffmreg thinkphp controller obtains audio and video details (acquisition time)

FFmpeg Download: and unzip the FFmpeg folder:Open any disk you want to install, such as disk d. Create a new folder named "ffmpeg", and copy all the contents of the folder generated in the second step to the "ffmpeg" folder.Setting environment variablesRight click "my computer - ...

Added by BradZynda on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 21:03:40 +0200

Why does the enqueue of retrofit2 take time?

Recently, it was found that the enqueue method of Call in retrofit2 was time-consuming. Why? Here is a Baidu face recognition interface /** * Baidu M:N face recognition */ @POST @FormUrlEncoded Call<BaiduMultiSearchFaceResp> searchMultiFacesByBaiDu(@Url String url, ...

Added by bookbuyer2000 on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 20:54:02 +0200

Example of sending SMTP mail in PHP

When you are still struggling with php's built-in mail() function, you are very lucky now. This article can help you!php makes use of the smtp class to send e-mail. I've been using it for a long time, but I haven't had any problems. In the background of this blog, when the blogger replies to the message, he will automatically send an email with ...

Added by Crogge on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 17:18:51 +0200

springboot configuration file

1. YAML Syntax 1. Basic Grammar The k-space v represents a pair of key-value pairs (which must have spaces) and controls hierarchical relationships by indentation of the spaces. A left-aligned column of data represents the same hierarchy.Property and value case sensitive 1 server: 2 port: 8081 3 servlet-path: /hello 2. Rules f ...

Added by stweaker on Tue, 10 Dec 2019 15:07:55 +0200

Servlet Filter

Characteristic 1) Filter is dependent on Servlet container, which is a part of Servlet specification. Three interface classes are defined in Servlet API: Filter, filterchain and filterconfig. 2) the basic function is to intercept the process of calling Servlet, so as to realize some special functions before and after the response processing of ...

Added by chrispols on Sun, 08 Dec 2019 21:27:23 +0200