mnist training and handwritten digital picture test under caffe

To familiarize yourself with the configuration, training, and testing of caffe's network structure, mnist is used for learning. Mnist's training network is also an example that comes with caffe, but you just need to download mnist's data yourself.The steps are as follows: (1) Install caffe, you can re ...

Added by srikanthiv on Sat, 18 Jan 2020 04:02:22 +0200

Use Python to crawl 1000 posts of CET bar, they are all talking about these originally!

Write before Postgraduate entrance examination means that if you want to know more about Postgraduate entrance examination, you can either go to your elder sister or go online to search for it. Posting is a good place.With powerful tools, valuable information can be quickly obtained from the mixed information of fishes and dragons on the web.Al ...

Added by sapoxgn on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 18:43:20 +0200

How many bytes does the boolean type take up in Java

See a friend in the group ask, think of before also met this problem, also do not have a clear answer, so he went online to find the following answer. The conclusion is as follows: boolean type is compiled into int type for use, accounting for 4 byte s. The boolean array is compiled into byte array ...

Added by aarbrouk on Tue, 14 Jan 2020 07:14:14 +0200

Call another Activity in Android and return the result - take the analog selection avatar function as an example

scene Click the button in Android to start another Activity and transfer values between activities: How to get the return value of Acitvity after launching Activity and Value Transfer above.The following example implements clicking the Select Avatar button, jumping to the avata ...

Added by urneegrux on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 06:57:03 +0200

Content provider of Android learning notes (1)

Content provider (1) Next, we will introduce the content resolver, one of the four components of Android The content provider is the external access interface provided by Android internal program, which can share data. Requirements: obtain the address book information through the content provider, and display it in your own ...

Added by jackohara on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 17:47:28 +0200

System adaptation of Android heterogeneous models: the app name defined by application is not consistent with the name displayed on the desktop after it is installed on the mobile phone

System adaptation of Android heterogeneous models: the app name defined by application is not consistent with the name displayed on the desktop after it is installed on the mobile phone This kind of situation will appear on some domestic bizarre customized Android models. Normally, the name of the android App displayed under t ...

Added by j007w on Mon, 06 Jan 2020 03:26:57 +0200

Better Android Toast

Better Android Toast According to the project experience, Toast, which comes with Android, is packaged into a simpler tool class. The main features are as follows: to simplify the long-term and short-term Toast calls, and to add a custom View Toast, only one line of code is needed. Design sketch: Toast layout.xml file & ...

Added by davestewart on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 12:24:31 +0200

MongoDB 4.2 Kernel Resolution - Change Stream

MongoDB has supported the change stream capability since version 3.6 (many enhancements have been made in versions 4.0 and 4.2) for subscribing to modifications within MongoDB. change stream can be used for incremental data migration, synchronization between MongoDB and for applying MongoDB's incremental subscription to other related systems; f ...

Added by hubbardude on Sun, 05 Jan 2020 05:42:03 +0200

C-encryption and decryption (DES\RSA) learning notes

This note is excerpted from: Record the learning process for future reference. Data encryption technology is the most basic security technology in the network, mainly through the data encryption of the information transmitted in the network to ensure its security, which is an acti ...

Added by EverToDesign on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 20:28:24 +0200

Today's top screen adaptation

Today's top screen adaptation In a word, summarize the principle of realization: According to the width of the design drawing, calculate the density, then calculate the dpi, and replace the dpi in the system. Then the layout file can set the width according to the design drawing given by the UI, so as to achieve the purpose o ...

Added by NeoPuma on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 16:39:57 +0200