ffmpeg Simple Multithreaded Player-Audio-Video Synchronization (Video to Audio)

Audio-Video Synchronization - Main Code Logic That's how you chase me Because the audio format sample channel rate is fixed, an audio time can be determined, so an audio is synchronized to the audio as the base video General practice: after displaying a video frame, get the PTS of the next video frame, and compare it with the clock lock of t ...

Added by xmitchx on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 19:53:05 +0200

ffmpeg structure - AVStream and its related functions

AVStream is a structure that stores the information of each video / audio stream. 1. Structure definition /** * Stream structure. * New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps. * Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major * version bump. * sizeof(AVStream) must not be used outside libav*. */ ...

Added by lemmin on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 04:21:50 +0200

Actual combat -- audio and video synchronization scheme

PTS:Presentation timestamp the timestamp used in the final rendering DTS:Decoding timestamp what is used for decoding I(intra) B(bidirectional) P(predicted) compression principle. The first frame of intra compression gop is the key frame. B frame can refer to one frame forward and backward, or how many frames. Generally, it is set to 3 frames. ...

Added by Tewl on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 18:47:29 +0200

Avformat of ffmpeg_ open_ Input () analysis process -- Taking mp4 as an example

Summary avformat_open_input(), which is used to open multimedia data and get some information. Its declaration is located in libavformat / avformat h. Main work 1) Through init_input opens the streaming media data, detects the most appropriate protocol type AVInputFormat of streaming media according to the probe, and sets the read/write/seek ...

Added by th3void on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 17:48:32 +0200

Audio and video development video and video frames: RTMP streaming of ffmpeg

Recommended Video: RTSP/RTMP streaming analysis streaming architecture analysis / streaming cache queue design / FFmpeg function blocking analysis https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ky4y177Jh 1. I ntroduction to streaming When I first heard "streaming", I thought to myself, "what is this high-end thing?", Under the pressure ...

Added by abdbuet on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 18:53:54 +0200

ffmpeg decoding process

    the decoding and encoding of ffmpeg follow its basic execution flow.   the basic decoding process of the new api is as follows: Step 1: Register: (obsolete)    all libraries corresponding to ffmpeg need to be registered. You can register children or all. Step 2: open the file: avformat_open_input    open ...

Added by anu123 on Thu, 03 Feb 2022 13:50:31 +0200

Android FFmpeg realizes wechat small video recording function with filter

This paper will realize the simultaneous coding and multiplexing of the collected preview frame (add filter) and PCM audio to generate an mp4 file, that is, to realize a small video recording function imitating wechat. Audio and video recording and coding process This paper adopts software coding (CPU) implementation, so when aiming at high- ...

Added by Tatara on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 20:45:15 +0200

Ubuntu compiles the ijkplayer so library and plays the local raw/assets file

1, Preliminary basic knowledge reserve 1. Official project address of ijkplayer: https://github.com/Bilibili/ijkplayer Ijkplayer is a lightweight Android/iOS video player based on ffmpeg. The cross platform function is realized, and the API is easy to integrate; The compilation configuration can be tailored to facilitate the control of the in ...

Added by wwwapu on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 23:05:22 +0200

Use FFmpeg to list HLS live broadcast Convert m3u8 format to mp4 and save

Use FFmpeg to list HLS live broadcast Convert m3u8 format to mp4 and save Saving live streaming as mp4 is a small function that needs to be completed recently. We know that javacv is an efficient dependency package for processing audio and video in java. However, in the process of using it, the sweeper found that it did not support it The m3u8 ...

Added by Alien on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:31:25 +0200

ubuntu18.04 lower CUDA Three ways of using Cu in c/c + +

operating system ubuntu 18.04 premise I want to be here c file using cuda's function, that is Content of cu Installing nvcc is not the content here, but make sure that nvcc can be used, which is to ensure that it can be compiled On the premise of cu, view the version of nvcc, and the command is as follows nvcc --version The output is ...

Added by lhcpr on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 15:43:03 +0200