These five functions in VueUse are also very easy to use

By Matt MaribojocTranslator: front end XiaozhiSource: mediumThere are dreams and dry goods. Wechat search [Daqian world] pays attention to this bowl washing wisdom who is still washing dishes in the early morning.This article GitHub It has been included. There are complete test sites, materials and my ser ...

Added by seed on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:44:12 +0200

Insensitive refresh token

When it comes to the login token, the product asks a question: can I make the token expire a little longer? I have to log in frequently. Front end: back end, can you set the token expiration time longer. Back end: Yes, but that's not safe. You can use a better method. Front end: what method? Back end: give you the interface to refresh the t ...

Added by billspeg on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 14:08:58 +0200

Do you remember Chang'e in journey to the west? I used 10000 pictures to spell the childhood goddess!

This article was written on the eve of the Mid Autumn Festival in 2021prefaceHello, I'm Lin Sanxin. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival!!! I was thinking, about the Mid Autumn Festival, what can I write to share with you? On this day, I was watching journey to the West and suddenly thought of my childhood g ...

Added by coool on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 11:27:30 +0200

json is simple, but you may not know these details

Basic introduction The full name of JSON is JavaScript Object Notation. It is not a programming language, but a data format that can be transmitted between the server and the client. It was originally a subset of JavaScript, but now it exists independently in various programming languages. It has the following usage scenarios When transmitting ...

Added by simn_stv on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:11:09 +0200

Front end development foundation - (webapis 02)

1, Exclusive thought 1. Exclusivity: If there is the same group of elements, we need to use the exclusive idea algorithm of loop if we want an element to implement a certain style Clear all elements (kill others)Style the current element (leave me alone)Note that the order cannot be reversed. Kill others first, and then set yourself (1) Sam ...

Added by s3rg1o on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:56:03 +0200

js garbage collection and memory leak

js garbage collection The Javascript of the browser has an automatic garbage collection mechanism (GC). The garbage collector will periodically (periodically) find out those variables that are no longer in use, and then release their memory. However, this process is not real-time, because it is expensive and stops responding to other operation ...

Added by maniac1aw on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:42:14 +0200

The front end learns the data types based on day30&day31:02-JS

1. Data type Data types are literal meaning and represent various data types. Data types exist in any language because data is diverse. JavaScript mainly contains 8 data types, which can be divided into basic type and reference type: Basic data type Number number (including integer and floating point numbers) String string boolean Boo ...

Added by calande on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 07:54:17 +0200

Vue encapsulation idea, interpolation syntax, events, parameters, etc

Vue01 Development process of front-end development technology Earliest: native DOM cooperates with JS to operate web pagesDevelopment: use encapsulation techniques to encapsulate the native DOM into a jQuery framework At present: a large number of market shares are occupied by vue – at present, there are few, and most old projects ar ...

Added by jeppers on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:37:53 +0200

Based on the full front-end, html is converted to word, and the original display style mhtml to word is retained

This paper mainly refers to: Blogger: Qian Xiang Thank you very much for the two articles. I also hope that such articles that are substantive and useful and can solve problems can help more people. Let's see t ...

Added by Dinosoles on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 06:14:28 +0200

Initialization of vue data rendering (vue source code analysis 1)

The following code and analysis process need to be combined with Vue JS source code view, through the break point one by one comparison. I code <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Title</title> <script src="vue.js"></script> </head> <body& ...

Added by AcidDriver on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 01:02:56 +0200