Components of Day 136/200 React & Props

Write in front I recently learned React because I wanted to CVAT project. I can't understand the project code. The boss said he wanted to learn React. I was not convinced, so I read TypeScript and looked at the project code, but I still couldn't understand it. So I began to learn React and found that many places I couldn't understand be ...

Added by Rodders on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 01:34:11 +0200

Installation and use of React scaffold and basic syntax of React

1. React installation 1.1. Use React scaffold for installation 1.cnpm install -g create-react-app 2. Replace the source npm config set registry npm config set registry -- After configuration, you can verify whether it is successful by the following methods npm config get regist ...

Added by B.Murali Krishna on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 01:06:46 +0200

Vue quick start (IDEA version) one article is a quick start (you can directly develop front-end and back-end separation projects)

1, Vue quick start In 2008, google's Chrome was released, and then it occupied the market at a very fast speed, surpassing IE to become the leader of the browser market. In 2009, based on Google's Chrome v8 engine, Ryan Dahl created an asynchronous IO framework based on event loop: node js. Asynchronous lO based on time cycle Single thread ...

Added by Grant Holmes on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 21:53:40 +0200

JavaScript scripting language - usage details of all basic data types (comprehensive)

notes Single line comment ctrl + / (VSCode) // Multiline comment Shift + alt + a(VSCode) /**/ There are keyboard shortcut settings in the lower right corner of VSCode - > Enter default shortcut - > double click to change JS input / output statement methodexplainascriptionalert(msg)Browser pop-up alert boxbrowserconsole.log ...

Added by rblais666 on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:39:03 +0200

CSS secret: special shape drawing adaptive ellipse, trapezoid and parallelogram

catalog: 1,Adaptive ellipse rendering 2,Drawing of parallelogram 3,Corner cutting effect 4,Trapezoidal tab 1. Adaptive ellipse renderingProblem Description: we know that as long as we set a fixed value or percentage for border radius, we can achieve the effect of fillet, but how to achieve ellipse?In fact, we can use border radius to separatel ...

Added by senatedc on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 18:07:34 +0200

[front end Engineering] III: webpack4 for modular development

Modular development There is an environment compatibility problem with ESModules Too many module files and frequent network requests All front-end resources need to be modular Requirements, compile all ES6 codes into ES5 or better compatible codes, package the converted codes into a file, and support different types of resource modules; T ...

Added by Graeme1972 on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 17:10:00 +0200

JavaScript: detailed explanation of data types

There are two data types in ECMAScript: basic data type and reference data type. Basic data type Basic data types are also called simple data types, which are Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, String and Symbol. The basic data type is characterized by a fixed size of space in memory and stored on the stack. 1. Undefined type The undefined type ...

Added by tomfmason on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 17:02:58 +0200

[algorithm learning] - sliding window algorithm (javascript)

Sliding window algorithm:Literally, everyone has seen the window and can open and close the window ×)The window of the sliding window algorithm here is divided into fixed and unfixed. The fixed window is the kind of window seen in life. Imagine a large window, and then the sliding screen window. The screen window here is a fixed sliding w ...

Added by mgoerz on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 14:26:19 +0200

New generation compiler SWC

Recently, there has been a rush of trust in the front-end circle. All front-end tools that can be rewritten with trust are rewritten with trust. The tool introduced today is bable: swc, a tool that converts ES6 into ES5.Moreover, on the official website of swc, it is very straightforward to say that they are benchmarking with babel. swc and bab ...

Added by Brokenhope on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 13:23:59 +0200

Code quality layer 3 - readable code

click One click subscription to the column of "cloud recommended coffee" , get the official recommended high-quality content and don't get lost in learning technology!Readable code can greatly improve development efficiency. In the process of development, I spend a lot of time reading code. Readable code, easy to understand and easy t ...

Added by El_Dudereno on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:09:13 +0200