Building guide of vuePress blog

Building guide of vuePress blog node environment and npm support required If npm will not be installed, go to: Installation instructions Overview of vuePress Static website generator driven by Vue Generating web pages based on markdown syntax Customizable and extensible styles Can be published to gi ...

Added by irandoct on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:49:03 +0300

MOJITO released one week, climbing a wave of barrage analysis

MOJITO I haven't written anything recently. I can't catch up with a hot spot. I despise myself. Zhou Dong's new song "MOJITO" (zero on June 12) has been on sale for about a week now. When I look at the MV of station B, I can see that the broadcast volume is over ten million, and the barrage is over one hundred thousand. This popu ...

Added by mo on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 10:23:10 +0300

CURD basic operation of MongoDB

Note: This paper is based on MongoDB 4.2.6 1. Delete Delete a document > { "_id" : ObjectId("5ed6549830571733ccb3d678"), "jordan" : 23, "haha" : "ending" } { "_id" : ObjectId("5ed6549830571733ccb3d679"), "kobe" : 24, "haha" : "ending" } >{jordan: 23}) ...

Added by StefanRSA on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 09:46:27 +0300

Details of Spring Boot configuration file

Details of Spring Boot configuration file Spring Boot provides two commonly used configuration files, properties file and yml file. Their role is to modify the default value of Spring Boot auto configuration. Compared with the properties file, the yml file is younger and has many pits. yml determines the hierarchical relationship through space ...

Added by The_Black_Knight on Sun, 21 Jun 2020 08:20:11 +0300

Mock test using Moco framework

Moco framework: an open source project above github, which can simulate http, https and other protocols. github website: moco source code 1. Start the simulation server Download Moco_ URL of jar package: Moco jar package download Command to start the impersonation server: java -jar ./moco-runner-0.11. ...

Added by kavisiegel on Fri, 19 Jun 2020 07:39:04 +0300

Take you 10 days to be proficient in the vue framework and realize data request through axios

4. Data request through axios vue.js ajax is not available by default. So when using vue, we usually use axios plug-in to realize the data interaction between ajax and back-end server. Note that axios are essentially ajax encapsulation of javascript, so they are limited by the same origin policy. plug ...

Added by akelavlk on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:59:19 +0300

Spring Boot docking Alipay payment

Article catalog 1. Preliminary preparation 2. Coding 1. The configuration class can also be written to the Spring boot configuration file for more flexibility 2. Payment Service 3. Controller omitted 4. The front-end children request to get the returned script and execute it directly 1. Prelim ...

Added by nomad9 on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:14:17 +0300

Pandas: from shallow to deep

What is panda? pandas is a NumPy based tool, which is created to solve data analysis tasks. pandas incorporates a large number of libraries and some standard data models, providing the tools needed to efficiently operate large datasets. pandas provides a large number of functions and methods that enab ...

Added by Braveheart on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 06:08:58 +0300

ASP.NET Several ways for MVC to submit forms (verification + submission + background receiving)

Native submission method That is, add the action attribute to the form tag verification Verify to add the required attribute (h5) to the input tag directly. This attribute must be used with the button of type="submit". If the button type is not submit, then this required attribute has no ...

Added by DoctorWho on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 09:08:51 +0300

Epidemic map data display platform

Epidemic data map display The realization of Chinese map First look at the renderings. The whole project is completed under the vue framework. After the routing configuration is completed, you can start the map display part. Here I will only show the domestic epidemic part, which I have completed in ...

Added by paulspoon on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 12:26:34 +0300