SpringBoot uses Arthas for performance analysis and hot update of production environment

thank First of all, we need to thank the colleagues who participated in the investigation together. Without them, we can't complete the analysis. Finally, the problem has not been solved. If it is solved, I hope the students of operation and maintenance can share it on the network to make up for the defects of this article. backgroun ...

Added by schlag on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 13:31:22 +0200

Binary high availability installation k8s cluster deployment

reference resources Kubernetes full stack Architect (binary high availability installation k8s cluster deployment) - learning notes 1, Binary high availability basic configuration k8s high availability architecture analysis, high availability Kubernetes cluster planning, setting static ip, please refer to the previous article 1. Configure al ...

Added by jebster on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 02:48:35 +0200

k8s -- kubernetes check recovery mechanism -- PodPreset

kubernetes check recovery mechanism - PodPreset 1: Check recovery mechanism Container health inspection and recovery mechanism In k8s, you can define a health check "Probe" for the container in the Pod. kubelet will determine the status of the container according to the return value of the Probe, rather than directly based on whethe ...

Added by craigengbrecht on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 18:43:49 +0200

Operator SDK: read relevant documents and explain some commands in combination with the official sample built based on GO

Operator SDK: read relevant documents and explain some commands in combination with the official sample built based on GO Read and translate some contents in the official document of operator SDK, and use go language to combine the contents in the official document Building Operators Sample of Quickstart for Go-based Operators : a set of simpl ...

Added by Avimander on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 11:29:35 +0200

Detailed explanation of k8s controller

catalogue Replication Controller and ReplicaSet Stateless service Deployment concept Creation of Deployment Update of Deployment Rollback of Deployment Expansion and contraction of Deployment Deployment update pause and resume Deployment update considerations Stateful application management StatefulSet concept Create a State ...

Added by mdowling on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:28:46 +0200

k8s CI/CD board writing

k8s CI/CD Presentation Introduction (ppt1): Hello, colleagues. I'm glad that you are interested in CI/CD in k8s environment. The content shared in this topic is how to quickly integrate, deploy and deliver applications in kubernetes environment. It has both principles and practice. My explanation of this part is to tell you how to do it. As f ...

Added by xiledweb on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 22:24:48 +0200

Fast writing method of SpringBoot unit test based on link idea

Author Tao FuSource: Ali technical official accountintroduction:This paper prefers practice rather than methodology. The writing method of SpringBoot unit test mentioned in this paper is not an official solution, but a writing method that the author thinks is more convenient and efficient. Each team and even each developer in the team may have ...

Added by Coco on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 20:56:31 +0200

Audit strategy in Kubernetes

FEATURE STATE: Kubernetes v1.23 [beta] The Kubernetes Auditing function provides a security related, chronological record set that records the activities triggered by each user, applications using the Kubernetes API, and the control surface itself. The audit function enables the Cluster Administrator to answer the following questions: What hap ...

Added by Teddy B. on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 09:43:19 +0200

Unified certification center Oauth2 certification pit

In the previous article Springcloud Oauth2 HA In this paper, the authentication and authorization of unified authentication based on Oauth2 are realized. In the configuration, we can see:cas-server-url: http://CAS server service # is configured as HA address here security: oauth2: #Configuration corresponding to CAS server client: ...

Added by battlesiege on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 20:57:06 +0200

K8S installation top

Specific steps for installing top in K8S 1. Install manually using the helm assembly 1.1 what is Helm? helm provides tools for collaboration when creating, installing and managing applications within Kubernetes, which is a bit similar to APT in Ubuntu or YUM in CentOS. 1.2 Helm benefits: Find pre packaged software to install and use (Chart ...

Added by devdavad on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 20:05:41 +0200