Run rainbow on Windows for 10 minute quick installation

prefaceWindows Desktop running Rainbond , a new choice for Windows developers.After adapting Mac, the adaptation of Windows has also become a small goal in the near future. After continuous testing and research. Finally, it also achieved the effect of perfect operation, realized any scene in the real sense and the perfect adaptation of various ...

Added by ashleek007 on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 05:30:51 +0200

Operations and Maintenance Operations--Life Cycle in kubernetesk8s Cluster

1. What is the Pod life cycle A Pod can contain multiple containers, and a Pod can have one or more Init containers that start before the application container. Init containers are not very different from regular containers, mainly because init runs first, and the main container will not start until the init runs successfully, so the Init ...

Added by coreyphp on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:06:35 +0200

Kubedm builds K8S high availability cluster

Kubedm builds K8S high availability cluster (I) 1, Cluster planning ① Active and standby servers Four virtual machines are prepared, three of which are K8S high availability cluster + ETCD cluster, and kept + nginx to achieve K8S apiserver high availability. k8s-01 master+etcd+keepalived+nginx k8s-02 master+etcd+ ...

Added by shivangp on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 18:50:56 +0200

Rapid deployment of highly available Kubernetes(K8s) clusters

1, Preconditions 1.1 tool preparation 1.1.1 installation and deployment of automated operation and maintenance tools (Ansible) Ansible brief introduction ansible is a new automatic operation and maintenance tool. It is developed based on Python, integrates the advantages of many operation and maintenance tools (puppet, cfengine, chef ...

Added by alexszilagyi on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 15:44:45 +0200

K8s overview and cluster environment construction

I learned docker before and wanted to learn K8S in a complete set. Reference: 1. Overview of kubernetes 1. Basic introduction kubernetes is short for k8s, because there are eight words' ubernet 'between K and s, so it is short for k8s. K8s is an open source application for managing containerized applications on ...

Added by vivianp79 on Sun, 09 Jan 2022 10:06:24 +0200

[k8s] binary high availability installation k8s cluster

1 - Installation Instructions This article will demonstrate that CentOS 7 installs highly available k8s 1.17 + in binary mode. Compared with other versions, the binary installation mode is not very different. You only need to distinguish the corresponding relationship of each component version. In the production environment, it is recommended t ...

Added by RClapham on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 09:16:10 +0200

How to completely delete the Namespace that has been stuck in Terminating in EKS

Author: SRE operation and maintenance blogBlog address: Article address: topics:, I have been playing EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service -- Amazon EKS) and kubesphere. Because EKS and kubesphere have not been used before, this proc ...

Added by ignace on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 05:47:21 +0200

First use of Kubernetes Cronjob

backgroundAlthough the kubernetes service has been used for several years. However, the types of service applications are generally deployment stateuse daemon. As for job cronjob, it has not been used much. Now there is a php application service that needs to be executed every five minutes. You can get familiar with the use of a cronjob!First, ...

Added by Hebbs on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 11:33:04 +0200

Kubernetes cluster installation

1, Environmental preparation 1. Check the operating system version (version above 7.5 is recommended) cat /etc/redhat-release 2. For host name resolution, in order to facilitate direct calls between cluster nodes, add the following information in the / etc/hosts file master node1 node2 ...

Added by whitelion on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 14:28:10 +0200

Use Argo CD for continuous deployment in K8S

WeChat official account: operation and development story By jock The word continuous deployment is no stranger to technicians. We often mix CI and CD together. Today we separate them. What is ArgoCD Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. Argo CD is a declarative GitOps tool based on Kubernetes. Be ...

Added by epukinsk on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 11:56:58 +0200