[BZOJ4006] [JLOI2015] pipeline connection (Steiner tree)
It's easy to think that the question is related to Steiner tree.
So let's suppose that f(i,sta)f(i,sta)f(i,sta) denotes the minimum cost when the root is iii and the state of pressure at the key point is sta stastasta.
Then all f(i,sta)f(i,sta)f(i,sta) can be found by using the template of Steiner tree. ...
Added by feign3 on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 09:13:08 +0300
DQL data query language 2
DQL data query language
multi-table query
Cartesian set
Equivalence / connection query
join query
join link
Common functions
Paging query
multi-table query
Cartesian set
Generation conditions:
Omit connection conditions
Invalid connection condition
All rows in all tables are connec ...
Added by nocniagenti on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 08:26:10 +0300
Linux - NFS server summary
reference resources
Introduction to NFS
NFS is network Short for file system, the main function is to let different machines and different operating systems share the specified resource files with each other through the network. It can be simply considered as a ...
Added by rhaggert on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 07:47:11 +0300
numpy: a common module in python
Reference video: Start Python data mining in 4 days
1 Numpy advantage
1.1 introduction to numpy
Numpy (Numerical Python) is an open-source Python science computing library, which is used to quickly process arrays of any dimension. (numerical → \ to → numerical)
Numpy supports common arr ...
Added by AnarKy on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 09:31:42 +0300
django Series 5 - QuerySet API operation
QuerySet API usage
QuerySet can construct, filter, slice, and approximate results without actually accessing the database. Unless you do something to evaluate the query set, no query activity actually occurs to the database.
(1) Basic properties
The QuerySet is iterative, and its databa ...
Added by Phire on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 06:59:36 +0300
Method of Using Redis to Count Web UV s
Article Directory
Use Redis command action
Working with Java code
The Principle and Feature of HyperLog Implementation
Implement HyperLog using Java
Web site UV refers to the amount of Unique Visitor visited by independent users of a Web site, that ...
Added by BlueSkyIS on Tue, 16 Jun 2020 03:56:18 +0300
STM32F103C8T6 Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
About STM32F103C8T6 Project File Self-Credit-Free Download https://download.csdn.net/download/weixin_45488643/12522971 This is just a core project file, just add the following code yourself.
STM32F103C8T6 Pulse Width Modulation
Introduction to PWM
Configuration steps:
main function
In ...
Added by xmarcusx on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 19:30:21 +0300
Python implementation of binary sort tree
1, What is a binary sort tree?
The binary sorting tree is either an empty binary tree or a binary tree with the following characteristics:
In a binary sort tree, if its root node has a left subtree, the values of all nodes in the left subtree are smaller than those of the root node;
In a binary sort ...
Added by SeenGee on Mon, 15 Jun 2020 08:52:24 +0300
[Source Code Learning--koa] Source Code Interpretation Analysis of Koa Middleware Core (koa-compose)
Recently, Koa has been used frequently for server-side development and has become fascinated with its onion model, which makes it great.And koa is mainly streamlined, there is not a lot of integration, everything needs to be loaded on demand, this is more to my taste.
In contrast to express's middleware, express's middleware uses concatenation, ...
Added by darkke on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 19:21:23 +0300
Multi threshold image segmentation based on genetic algorithm
1. Summary
2. Introduction
3 Otsu threshold segmentation
3.1 classical Otsu method
3.2 Otsu method with multiple thresholds
3.3 multi threshold Otsu method 2
4 genetic algorithm design
4.1 individual code
4.2 mating operation
4.2.1 single location and single point crossing
4.2.2 mu ...
Added by tigomark on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 11:27:50 +0300