Learn ECs from scratch - Docker+Tomcat+Nginx+MySQL

brief introduction For the enterprise application architecture, it is certainly not limited to one server. According to my imagination: at least one server that deploys the back-end interface; one server that deploys the front-end page; one server that acts as a proxy; one server that loads the database, etc., which does not include load balanc ...

Added by M.O.S. Studios on Tue, 24 Mar 2020 12:43:14 +0200

How to use Prometheus to configure custom alarm rules

Preface Prometheus is an open source system for monitoring and alerting. Originally developed by Soundcloud, it moved to CNCF in 2016 and became one of the most popular projects since it was called Kubernetes. It can monitor from the whole Linux server to stand alone web server, database service or a single process. In Prometheus terminology, w ...

Added by thewomb on Tue, 24 Mar 2020 06:52:18 +0200

Reading process of nginx request header data

In the previous article, we explained how nginx reads the request line data and parses the request line. In this paper, we mainly explain how nginx reads the data of the request header sent by the client and analyzes the data. In essence, the data reading process of request line and request header is basically the same, because they are faced w ...

Added by moallam on Tue, 24 Mar 2020 05:06:03 +0200

memcached cache building

memcached cache buildingSet up the server and client so that the server can link the clientweb client: [root@localhost ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname client [root@localhost ~]# su [root@client ~]# [root@nginx ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname server [root@nginx ~]# su [root@server ~]# Set up serverDeploy libev ...

Added by zuessh on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 07:19:16 +0200

Nginx log management

Check Nginx's nginx.conf file, and you can see such a message #access_log logs/access.log main; This indicates that the file of the server access log is logs/host.access.log in the format of "main". main format #log_format main '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] "$request" ' # '$st ...

Added by TonyB on Fri, 20 Mar 2020 17:53:01 +0200

Nginx Common Classic Configuration | Reverse Proxy, HTTPS Redirection, Port Forwarding

Secondary directory mapping At present, there are more scenarios for front-end and back-end project separation, usually one port for front-end and one port for back-end. If the front end is https://example.com/index.html, the interface called is https://example.com:4433 Such a deployment can be cumbersome for small projects, but you can also ...

Added by Akenatehm on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:49:40 +0200

FastDFS Single Machine Setup

brief introduction FastDFS is an open source, high performance, distributed file system (DFS). The FastDFS system has three roles: Tracker Server, Storage Server, and Client.Tracker Server: Track the server, mainly for scheduling and balancing purposes; manages all storage server s and groups, and each store connects to Tracker after startup, ...

Added by jawaidpk on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 22:28:21 +0200

MogileFS deployment process

MogileFS deployment document brief introduction MogileFS is an open-source distributed file system, which is used to build a distributed file cluster. It is developed by Danga interactive, a subsidiary of LiveJournal. The Danga team has developed good open-source projects including Memcached, Mogil ...

Added by kickoutbettman on Mon, 24 Feb 2020 14:18:14 +0200

Jumpserver deployment installation

I believe you are familiar with the bastion machine (springboard machine). In order to ensure the security of the server, add a bastion machine. All ssh connections are completed through the bastion machine. The bastion machine also needs to have identity authentication, authorization, access control, log audit and other functions. Jumpserver ...

Added by Xurion on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 13:26:21 +0200

High availability load balancer under public cloud (Huawei)

High availability load balancer under public cloud (Huawei) High available load balancer option VIP+NGINX node ip node1 node2 node3 VIP It is easy to operate on the virtual machine. For details, see Nginx and keepalived of Beijing strivers to achie ...

Added by Alffallen on Tue, 18 Feb 2020 13:33:12 +0200