nodejs: the sprint from 0 to 1, the counter attack from graduate beginners to company leaders, what have you learned?

nodejs Foundation concept Node.js is an open source and cross platform JavaScript runtime environment. It runs outside the browser. It is an event driven asynchronous I/O single process server-side JS environment. Based on Google's V8 engine, the V8 engine executes JavaScript very fast and has very good performance. be careful: Nodej ...

Added by keefy on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 01:17:41 +0200

JS bluff the interviewer to get a high salary

The author has been systematically combing the knowledge of native JS recently, because I think JS, as the fundamental technology of front-end engineers, can't be learned too many times. I plan to make a series driven by a series of questions. Of course, there will be questioning and expansion. The content is systematic and complete. It will im ...

Added by manianprasanna on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 00:25:03 +0200

Node. JS + Express + access DB to easily realize the full stack development of small programs

1. New data According to the previous tables and fields, now we want to add data on the applet side. 1). On the home page, we first write the new data interface in / routes / anime JS add the following code. New data is generally requested by post. Because asynchronous operation is involved, async and await are used for operation. Because th ...

Added by avo on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 06:20:30 +0200

react3.0 - component, component value transfer, Context, component life cycle, routing, matching mode

react3.0 The variable name of global import can be customized, and the specified variable name is used for on-demand import Review component value transfer: Father to son, son to father: review.js import React from "react" // When transferring values, pay attention to the problem of this pointing. There are three solutions: 1 Use bind in t ...

Added by edtlov on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 00:40:37 +0200

Nodejs file upload based on express+multer

overview Image upload is a function often used in web development, and the node community also has relatively perfect support in this regard. Common open source components include multer and formidable. With the help of these two open source components, you can easily upload pictures. This paper mainly explains the following contents, and th ...

Added by Sir Mildred Pierce on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 06:24:04 +0200

Node.js learning 5 (events)

1, Node JS event loop        Node.js is a single process and single thread application, but because of the asynchronous execution callback interface provided by V8 engine, a large number of concurrency can be handled through these interfaces, so the performance is very high.     &nbs ...

Added by aufkes on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 12:36:18 +0200

"Building block library" is a codeless development platform built by GraphQL technology

The biggest benefit of GraphQL is to simplify the request response content without redundant fields. The front end can decide what data the back end returns. However, it should be noted that the decision-making power of the front end depends on what data the back end supports. Therefore, GraphQL is more like a REST that simplifies the return ...

Added by Dream$of$uccess on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 03:59:27 +0200

Node.js learning 6 (readline)

1, What is readline readline is node JS implements the encapsulated module of standard input and output. Through this module, we can read the data stream line by line. The readline module provides an interface for reading data from a readable stream (such as process.stdin) one line at a time. You can access it in the following ways: con ...

Added by bossman on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 01:36:40 +0200

[solution] how to verify the size of ElementUI pictures before uploading them and upload them to Sina SCS?

Method for verifying dimensions before uploading ElementUI pictures I upload component usage of ElementUI For specific attributes, you can view the official document. Here is the hook function: before upload = "beforeavatarupload". You can know from the name that this is the method executed before uploading the image. Here you can p ...

Added by thedarkwinter on Mon, 17 Jan 2022 16:19:28 +0200

Explain the implementation principle of Jest framework in simple terms

English Version | Chinese version Explain the implementation principle of Jest framework in simple terms What is Jest Jest is a JavaScript testing framework developed by Facebook, which is used to create, run and write JavaScript libraries for testing. Jest is published as an NPM package and can be i ...

Added by tmayder on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 15:55:47 +0200