python crawler gets microblog Wu moufan microblog hot review

In July 2021, the biggest melon should be Wu moufan. The pop melon in the entertainment industry is not new, but Wu moufan's melon is especially big! The thing is, a freshman girl named "Du mouzhu" broke the news on her microblog that she suffered cold violence during her love with Wu moufan He also said that Wu moufan had th ...

Added by |Adam| on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 11:58:09 +0200

Python dictionaries and collections

Python dictionaries and collections 1. Addition, deletion and modification of dictionary 1. Additions and modifications When the [dictionary value] key exists; Add a key value pair when the key does not exist Dictionaries. SetDefault (key, value) -- add a key value pair when the key does not exist, and do not change when the key exists cat ...

Added by sousousou on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:50:37 +0200

Use PyOD for outlier detection

Outlier detection is mainly to find some "different" data values in the data set. The so-called "different" data values mean that these data are quite different from most data. We call them "outliers", and these "outliers" are not labeled in reality, Therefore, we must automatically identify these outlier ...

Added by miltonbanks on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:50:27 +0200

Configure FTP server under Linux with Python to access / media directory

On Linux operating system, vsftpd is a common ftp server, but vsftpd cannot set the / media directory as the root directory of ftp. It may also be that I opened it in the wrong way. In short, I didn't operate successfully, so I switched to Python to try to achieve a similar purpose. Installing Python 3 The Linux system comes with Python versi ...

Added by nikky_d16 on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:44:45 +0200

Use Python to crawl the barrage and comments of the seven major video platforms. It's enough to read this one

Today, I will explain how to use python to crawl the barrage and comments of mango TV, Tencent video, station B, iqiyi, Zhihu and microblog, which are commonly used in film and television and public opinion platforms. The results obtained by this kind of crawler are generally used for entertainment and public opinion analysis, such as crawling ...

Added by danboy712 on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 09:04:43 +0200

Let's learn about the MySQL explain implementation plan. Day 4 of MySQL Optimization Learning

Optimization of a query You should encounter this scenario. A self incrementing primary key is set in MySQL, but some data is subsequently deleted, resulting in discontinuous primary keys. You can use the following command to query those discontinuous primary keys. -- Writing method 1 select id from (select id from Table name order by id asc ...

Added by visitor on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:06:21 +0200

Python must be able to operate

Command line parameters import sys import cv2 def show_pic(img): cv2.imshow('image',img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() def main(): print("start") print (sys.argv) image_1 = sys.argv[1] image_2 = sys.argv[2] src = cv2.imread(image_1) show_pic(src) print("end") if __name__ == "__main__": main() Operat ...

Added by Alien on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 01:00:50 +0200

Classic examples of branches and loops in python (with reference answers)

Classic examples of branches and loops in python (with reference answers) Branches and loops are very flexible in application. They can be used alone or nested in each other. Moreover, for a problem, it is like doing a mathematical problem. Although there is only one answer, there is not only one idea and method to solve the problem. It may no ...

Added by mcrbids on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 00:50:47 +0200

MOOC: \ program control structure (fourth week) 21.7.25

MOOC – Python language programming (15th) Control structure of procedure (fourth week) 21.7.25 Exercises Example 5: body mass index BMI # Reference code height, weight = eval(input()) bmi = weight / pow(height, 2) print("BMI The value is:{:.2f}".format(bmi)) who, nat = "", "" if bmi < 18.5: who, nat = "Thin ", "Thin " elif ...

Added by Misery_Kitty on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 00:43:36 +0200

jenkins automatic construction process Chapter 4: use jenkins to build a process of automatically processing pictures with python

catalogue 1. Blog introduction 2. Content . prepare git warehouse . resources for preparing pretreatment . preparing python scripts . prepare shell script . jenkins task creation Implementation of jenkins' mandate . some pits and precautions 3. Push 4. Conclusion 1. Blog introduction This is the fourth and last part of jenkin ...

Added by CNibbana on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 21:59:26 +0200