Machine learning Chapter 5 logistic regression algorithm (learning notes of Dahua Python machine learning)

Chapter 5 logistic regression algorithm    based on the linear regression algorithm, the logical regression algorithm constructs the conversion function of the dependent variable y, and divides the number of Y into two or more categories of 0-1, so as to realize the classification fitting and prediction of things. 5.1 from linear re ...

Added by expertis on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 05:07:45 +0200

Broke the world record and realized automatic minesweeping in Python

Automatic minesweeping is realized with Python+OpenCV, breaking the world record. Let's take a look at the effect first. Intermediate - 0.74 sec 3BV/S=60.81 I believe many people have long known that there is such a classic game (graphics card test) play (software) as mine sweeping, and many people have heard of China's Lei Sheng. It is a ...

Added by swissbeets on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 03:33:55 +0200

Actual combat | Python easily realizes map visualization (with detailed source code)

Python has many map visualization libraries. Although the Matplotlib library is very powerful, it can only be used for static maps. Today I'm going to talk about interactive map libraries, namely pyecharts and folium. Mastering these two libraries can basically solve your map visualization needs.pyechartsFirst of all, we must talk about the pow ...

Added by devxtec on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:40:19 +0200

Teach you the basic operations of Python strings: splitting and connecting

Split stringIn Python, strings are represented as str objects, which are immutable: this means that objects represented in memory cannot be changed directly. These two facts can help you learn (and then remember) how to use split().Have you guessed how these two characteristics of strings relate to the splitting function in Python? If you guess ...

Added by MrNonchalant on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 22:09:31 +0200

Image Segmentation and Face Detection Leetcode111,112

OpenCV for feature matching 1.cornerHarris() for corner detection Function CV2 in Open. CornerHarris() can be used for corner detection. The parameters are as follows: * img - Input image with float32 data type. blockSize - The size of the area to be considered in corner detection. * ksize - window size used in Sobel derivation * k - Harris c ...

Added by Paghilom on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 21:45:15 +0200

PyQt5 Gadget: Excel data grouping aggregator

Before writing the data summary and grouping tool, sort out the requirements. Requirement 1: excel data can be displayed in the list. Requirement 2: it supports data summary by column and multi column grouping summary. Requirement 3: be able to preview the data after grouping summary, and finally save the grouped summary data to a new excel dat ...

Added by tarlejh on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 20:37:28 +0200

Machine learning artifact scikit learn nanny level introductory tutorial

Official account: Special HouseAuthor: PeterEditor: Peter Hello, I'm Peter~ Scikit learn is a well-known Python machine learning library, which is widely used in data science fields such as statistical analysis and machine learning modeling. Modeling invincible: users can realize various supervised and unsupervised learning models through ...

Added by sadaf on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 19:57:53 +0200

socket programming

Today's content socket programming Simple server and client code implementation Communication cycle Packet sticking (TCP protocol) Header making, struct module and packaging form Detailed content 1, socket programming Implement a program that can interact with data. When they exchange information, they have to transmit data through the net ...

Added by pkedpker on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 19:41:40 +0200

Python Video Processing - Flask Web Page Development + Splitting

Catalog 1. Basic structure of main program 1. Install and import Flask 2. Create Flask objects (an important step, don't forget) 3. Write the main program 4. Routing 5. Complete Code 2. Rendering Web Pages 3. Defining the Split-mirror Correlation Function 1. Define a frame-cutting function and call it 2. Hash Mean Scanning 3. Histogr ...

Added by hanpedro on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 19:02:58 +0200

8 Python data cleaning codes, ready to use

hello everyone!Whether you admit it or not, data cleaning is not a simple task. In most cases, this work is very time-consuming and boring, but it is very important.If you go through the process of data cleaning, you will understand what I mean. This is the purpose of writing this article - to make it easier for readers to clean data.In fact, I ...

Added by imartin on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 12:53:13 +0200