After three minutes

background Before introducing Hooks, let's first talk about the creation methods of React components. One is class components and the other is pure function components. Moreover, the React team hopes that the components will not become complex containers, and it is better to just be the pipeline of data flow. Developers can combine pipelin ...

Added by mystrymaster on Thu, 10 Mar 2022 03:06:47 +0200

Follow the react project (to P57)

The backend API interface is in this file, and the request path is known by the backend definition List of fixed contents for each column (antd) About render parameters Later, I'll verify these three parameters myself, and I don't know the difference between text and record. text and record are identical. console.log(text === record ...

Added by Xeoncross on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 19:50:51 +0200

This article combs the new features of React 18

Iterative process of React The main features of React from v16 to v18 include three changes: v16: Async Modev17: Concurrent Modev18: Concurrent Render The update process of Fiber tree in React is divided into two stages: render stage and commit stage. The render function of the component is called render when it is executed (what changes nee ...

Added by psr540 on Wed, 09 Mar 2022 04:45:01 +0200

What is a virtual Dom? And why is it faster?

According to React docs, the virtual DOM is fictitious DOM(VDOM)Is a programming concept in which UI Ideal or "virtual" representations of the ReactDOM Libraries like this and "real" DOM synchronization Before delving into virtual DOM, give a quick introduction to it Document object model ( DOM)Is the data representation ...

Added by Paingiver on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 20:01:25 +0200

react function component hook function

1, Function components have no this object and no life cycle. hooks are only available after 16.8, that is, function components are added later, Its principle is to extract and implement the render method of class components Function components and hooks 1..useState -- define a state data. Why is useState a function in the second parameter? Bec ...

Added by intenz on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:28:43 +0200

ReactNative common plug-ins

Project version introduction Currently used project node version V14 17.5, NPM version 6.14.14, the template used in reactnative project is combined with the project template architecture of typescript syntax. The installation method is as follows: npx react-native init xxx(Project name) --template react-native-template-typescript After com ...

Added by NZ_Kiwi on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 05:12:37 +0200

React event handling

1. React event handling The difference between React and DOM event handling: (1) The name of React event is small hump, and the name of DOM is lowercase. For example: DOM naming: onclick, React naming: onclick. (2) Event handlers are assigned as objects, not strings. For example: DOM in string mode: onclick = "handleClick()", Rea ...

Added by DocSeuss on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 15:21:52 +0200

[Vig vika applet sharing] map information display

Share a Vig map applet that can display table information on the map.The function has been realized to help renters compare the rental information on the map and select their favorite small base.Project address introductionThis applet displays the location of each rental house, the route planning to the c ...

Added by chris.zeman on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 03:45:33 +0200

Infinite loop trap for useEffect()

useEffect() is used to introduce operations with "side effects", such as AJAX request, DOM operation, start and end countdown, monitoring and contact events, which can be done on the useEffect hook. So, is it really so simple that it can be used directly? No, you may encounter a trap, which is the infinite loop of component rendering. ...

Added by hendoyeah on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 02:35:46 +0200

React17+TS4 project construction

1. Create a new react+ts project npx create-react-app <appname> --template typescript 2. push the new local project to the remote warehouse New remote warehouse Open the local project directory and add all the existing files in the current directory to the newly created git warehouse Execute git add Submit the added documents and w ...

Added by Tjeuten on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 00:08:51 +0200