vue common interview questions

Which priority is higher than if-v? If two appear at the same time, how should we optimize to get better performance? <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Vue event processing </title> </head> <body> <div id="demo"> <h1>v-for and v-if Whose priority is higher? How sho ...

Added by LanHorizon on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 16:08:49 +0200

H5 access to WeChat official account (super detailed)

Wechat official documents 1. Use the official account number and authenticate the developer, or apply for the test number. be careful: Debugging in WeChat developer tools must first become official account developers, and can be configured in the background of WeChat official account. Location: The official account background > settings an ...

Added by jacko_162 on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 07:54:26 +0200

Make a simple library management system with Flask + Vue

design sketch: preface Before we start, let's talk about Django and Flask. Compare the decoration style: one is light luxury style (left in the figure below) and the other is Syrian style (right in the figure below):   Django is more comfortable to use. It is probably the "bag check-in" mode in the mouth of the tenant. It has ...

Added by dhe on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 18:10:48 +0200

Principles and techniques of encapsulating Vue components

Principles and techniques of encapsulating Vue components Vue's component system The API of Vue component mainly includes three parts: prop, event and slot props represents the parameters received by the component. It is best to use the object writing method. In this way, you can set the type, default value or user-defined verification attri ...

Added by beanfair on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 13:07:40 +0200

05 - preliminary routing test

Source address: GitHub / Code cloud Preliminary routing test 🎯 target Nested routes are implemented. When the route jumps, only the view pointed to by the sub route is re rendered.The implementation access / (root path) displays / home (background home page). 😴 lessons The application interface in real life is usually compos ...

Added by bschmitt78 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:44:16 +0200

20 concise JS code snippets

preface Today we'll focus on 20 simple JavaScript code snippets 1. Single line if else statement This is a common feature of many programming languages. Instead of writing if else on multiple lines, you can use ternary operators to write the entire statement in one line of code. For example, here are some examples: const age = 12; let ...

Added by Courbois on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:35:56 +0200

Vue e e-commerce project exercise-3 home page design

Realization effect Design ideas It is mainly divided into three parts Head areaSidebar areaRight body area Use the Container layout Container to build the basic structure of the page container <el-container>: Outer container. When a child element contains <el-header> or <el-footer>When, all child elements will b ...

Added by Stickdragon on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 07:10:04 +0200

Is VUE hungry? Add, delete and modify functions for tree controls

The general effect is shown in the figure: 1. Provincial and municipal API The list of provinces and cities is copied on the Internet, and two properties are added isEdit: controls editing statusmaxexpandId: the maximum current id export default{ maxexpandId: 95, treelist: [{ id: 1, name: "Beijing", Pr ...

Added by notaloser on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 04:41:51 +0200

Actual deployment summary of Ruoyi front and rear end separated open source project - deployment test

This article is the second part of the introduction, packaging and deploying the project to the server, and modifying the relevant configuration. -front end -back-end -back-end The three servers create the / root/workspace directory respectively 1, Front end deployment Fir ...

Added by roxiroxi on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 04:26:52 +0200

Vue components in actual combat

es6 basic grammar and usage <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>vue Series of courses</title> </head> <body> <div id="app"> <h1>{{msg}}</h1> <!-- ES6: EcmaScript 6.x ====> javascript chrome jscript ie =====> ECM ...

Added by jamesnkk on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 04:12:45 +0200