vue slot details

Slot is a placeholder provided to the parent component in the child component. It is represented by < slot > < / slot >. The parent component can fill any template code in this placeholder, such as HTML, component, etc. the filled content will replace the < slot > < / slot > tag of the child component. The purpose of the ...

Added by kef on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 20:10:32 +0200

Vue3 template syntax

Vue uses an HTML based template syntax that allows developers to declaratively bind the DOM to the data of the underlying Vue instance. The core of Vue is a system that allows you to declaratively render data into DOM using concise template syntax. Combined with the response system, when the application state changes, Vue can intelligently ca ...

Added by GateGuardian on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 11:24:08 +0200

Vue advanced component development

I Introduction to the idea of componentization The essence of component-based development is to develop modules with the same function into reusable small components, and then realize the development of a complete page by introducing various components. Component-based development is like a tree structure, and each component is a branch node o ...

Added by porrascarlos80 on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 08:46:31 +0200

Front end cross domain solution

1, What is cross domain? In the front-end field, cross domain refers to that the browser allows to send cross domain requests to the server, so as to overcome the limitation that Ajax can only be used in the same source. What is homology strategy? Homology policy is an agreement. The browser was introduced by Netscape in 1995. It is the most ...

Added by argoSquirrel on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 06:35:35 +0200

vue day 6 learning notes - introduction of bable and preparation of vue documents

1, Bable introduction Is a separate tool, independent of webpack, but can be used with webpack Function: convert es6 or typescript into ordinary js code Scenario: for example, an old browser doesn't know demo Arrow function of es6 in JS Used alone (when not used with webpack): npm install @bable/core @bable/cli@bable/core @bable/cli -D ...

Added by Dilbert137 on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 19:59:24 +0200

Briefly talk about Vue

Talk about Vue Focusing on the characteristics of Vue is not suitable for readers who don't know anything about Vue~ preface First, let's talk about the MVVM mode. Why do you say this? Because vue is developed based on this mode······ MVVM is short for model view ViewModel. It is essentially an impro ...

Added by Manat on Thu, 03 Mar 2022 17:37:34 +0200

[vue source code reading] understanding of source code engineering

I usually read the source code, but I haven't summarized it systematically, so I'll take this opportunity to sort it out again; Not only the technical details of the source code; In the process from downloading the code to running the source code, there will be knowledge points and technologies we are not involved in or familiar with at every s ...

Added by jokkis on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 18:29:56 +0200

Vue custom instruction

Common built-in instructions v: Text - > update textContent of elementV-html - > update innerHTML of elementV-IF - > if it is true, the current tag will be output to the pageV-else - > if it is false, the current tag will be output to the pageV-show - > control display / hide by controlling display styleV-for - > traverse arr ...

Added by bradmasterx on Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:03:38 +0200

[advanced] pdf generation (watermarked), pdf preview (pagable), pdf printing: a one-stop solution for the whole stack

preface Every front-end developer will always encounter some needs related to PDF in his life, but searching online articles is mostly the realization of some functions. It is not easy to obtain a complete scheme that meets his own needs. Based on this, combined with my relevant work experience, I sorted out a set including front-end PDF ge ...

Added by taldos on Tue, 01 Mar 2022 04:29:02 +0200

MVVM mode in Vue

preface    in the context of rapid iteration of Internet products, front-end developers should not only write pages, but also complete page dynamic effects through ajax+js. There is great pressure. In order to solve this problem, MVVM development mode was born. MVVM is short for model view view model -M: Model refers to data -V: Vie ...

Added by gyash on Sun, 27 Feb 2022 15:15:21 +0200