Web Pack 2 complete trampling tutorial (10)

Based on NODEJS environment, the process of Noejs installation reference line is described in this paper. https://nodejs.org/en/ . The Core Philosophy of Webpack 1. Everything is a module - just like a JS file can be regarded as a "module", everything else (CSS, images, HTML) can be regarded as a module and loaded through require ...

Added by saito on Wed, 17 Jul 2019 01:50:15 +0300

Front-end Summary, Tool Chapter and Management (I) Common Modularization Scheme

Front end summary series Front End Summary, Foundation Paper and CSS (1) Layout Front-end Summary, Foundation Chapter, CSS (2) Vision Front-end Summary, Foundation Chapter and CSS (3) Supplement Front End Summary, Foundation Chapter, JS (1) Prototype, Prototype Chain, Constructor and String Front End Summary, Foundation Chapter, JS (2) Deep Co ...

Added by tsabar on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 00:31:12 +0300

Install Vue.js using Taobao mirror cnpm

Preface Vue.js is a hot MVVM framework in the front end. To use it, we must configure it in advance. One of the installation methods is npm, which is more suitable for larger applications. Today let's see how to operate this way. Because NPM is a foreign country, it's relatively slow to use. Here we use Taobao's cnpm image to install vue. ...

Added by nlhowell on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 01:59:24 +0300

Instance PK (Vue server rendering VS browser rendering)

Vue 2.0 began to support server-side rendering, so this article is also based on Vue 2.0 version or more. There is still little information rendered by the server on the internet. The most classic one is Vue-hacker-news, the author of Vue, the God of Youyuxi. When I do Vue project in the company, I have been suffering from the product, customer ...

Added by ScottRiley on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 02:53:36 +0300

How to Write a Web Pack Plug-in

Original: how to write a plugin Translator: neal1991 welcome to star my articles-translator , providing you advanced articles translation. Any suggestion, please issue or contact me LICENSE: MIT Plug-ins can expose the full potential of webpack engines to third-party developers. By using phase build callbacks, developers can introduce their o ...

Added by blueway on Mon, 01 Jul 2019 04:23:50 +0300

Music playback SPA using react + redux + react-router

r-music order As a hands-on project for the react technology stack, the project uses data from Cool Dogs and NetEase Cloud. Among them, pulling data from cool dogs is relatively easy; pulling data from NetEase cloud, refer to: https://binaryify.github.io/NeteaseCloudMusicApi/ Thank ScorpionJay Classmate, he did a lot of work in the early stage ...

Added by Phairest on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 20:38:10 +0300

Web pack extracts CSS files and CSSTreeShaking

Web pack extracts CSS files CSSTreeShaking 1. Extracting CSS files from webpack Plug-in for extracting CSS files: mini-css-extract-plugin npm install --save-dev mini-css-extract-plugin Detailed reference: https://www.npmjs.com/package/mini-css-extract-plugin But the premise is to download a css loader: npm install css-loader --sa ...

Added by ArmanIc on Thu, 27 Jun 2019 21:37:02 +0300

Rewrite webpack multipage application configuration scaffolding

Previously, I wrote a configuration for a web pack multi-page application with only one webpack.config.js file, which implements css,js, and resource file processing for multi-entry configuration packaging.Since the entry configuration needs to be added by itself, how many pages of HtmlWebpackPlugin have to be added by itself.So while the confi ...

Added by PHPdev on Wed, 19 Jun 2019 20:30:58 +0300

Summary of webpack2

This article github warehouse: https://github.com/Rynxiao/webpack2-learn Migration from v1 to v2 1. Configuration type In webpack1, configuration is done mainly by exporting a single object. For example, the following configuration: // Export mode of webpack1 module.export = { entry : 'app.js', output : { */... */}, /* ... */ }; In ...

Added by David4321 on Thu, 13 Jun 2019 21:09:08 +0300

Handles teach you to build SSR(vue/vue-cli + express)

Recent simple research on SSR, SSR has a simple understanding, mainly for single-page applications, Nuxt is a good framework for SSR.There have also been some research, simple use, or very good feeling.But you still want to know if you don't depend on the framework and if you're working with SSRs, take a note. What is SSR Render the Vue compone ...

Added by pckidcomplainer on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:30:43 +0300