Getting started with SkyWalking

Article catalog Getting started with SkyWalking background Install Elasticsearch and start Install SkyWalking and start Agent for configuring spring cloud microservices View the link call of spring cloud Single microservice call monitoring Call link monitoring between microservices All microservice ...

Added by gaz_hayes on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 10:17:06 +0300

[Zookeeper Learning Notes]|12, Zookeeper Realization - Master Election

1. Introduction 1. Overview a:Master elections are a very common scenario in distributed systems.In distributed systems, master-slave mode is often used to avoid single point failures and improve the availability of system services. b: Normally, Master nodes are used to coordinate other system units ...

Added by fredcool on Wed, 10 Jun 2020 04:16:55 +0300

Details of Zookeeper data structure

Zookeeper ZooKeeper is a distributed, open-source coordination service for distributed applications. It exposes a simple set of primitives that distributed applications can build upon to implement higher level services for synchronization, configuration maintenance, and groups and nami ...

Added by sfmnetsys on Sun, 24 May 2020 12:33:08 +0300

Architecture Design | Distributed System Scheduling, Zookeeper Clustered Management

Source code for this article: GitHub. Click here || GitEE. Click here 1. Introduction to the Framework 1. Basic Introduction Zookeeper is an observer-based component designed for scenarios such as unified naming services, unified configuration management, unified cluster management, dynamic offline of server nodes, and soft load balancing in a ...

Added by RCS on Mon, 11 May 2020 02:55:05 +0300

Location and Solution of Large Backlog Problem in HBase2.0 replication wal znode

phenomenon There are two clusters A and B on the line, which are configured with two-way synchronization and single activity, i.e. only one cluster will be visited at a certain time by the business layer.A lot of exceptions have been reported in the regionserver log of Cluster A recently, but the monitoring page is working and functionality is ...

Added by oliverw92 on Wed, 08 Apr 2020 04:40:06 +0300

hadoop 8-day course -- the fifth day, the HA mechanism of hadoop

The mechanism of hadoop is only available in hadoop 2.x. the implementation of this function depends on a distributed component: zookeeper. Brief introduction to zookeeper zookeeper mainly provides distributed coordination services. Main functions: 1. Provide storage and management of a small amount of data. 2. Provide monitoring function for d ...

Added by THEMADGEEK on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 12:21:44 +0300

Talk about cannal's cannaladapterworker

order This paper mainly studies the CanalAdapterWorker of canal CanalAdapterWorker canal-1.1.4/client-adapter/launcher/src/main/java/com/alibaba/otter/canal/adapter/launcher/loader/ public class CanalAdapterWorker extends AbstractCanalAdapterWorker { private static final int BATCH_SIZE = 50; private static final ...

Added by Saviola on Mon, 06 Apr 2020 03:42:57 +0300

Dubbo source code analysis, loading bean s in Dubbo

We can see that when Dubbo container spring is started, the spring context is started. At this time, it will parse the bean configuration file of spring. The specific parsing work is done by Dubbo config spring. We can see that the corresponding classes are referenced in the Dubbo demo provider project. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? ...

Added by cmack on Tue, 31 Mar 2020 19:32:23 +0300

Deploy Zookeeper and Kafka clusters through docker

Recently, a kafka service needs to be set up locally. It's more convenient for docker to pull an image. Record the process of setting up 1. Install virtual machine I prefer virtualbox, which gives people a very lightweight feeling. The simplest version of CentOS 7.3 installed in Linux. I used to be fond of Linux desktop, but virtual machine res ...

Added by benphp on Fri, 28 Feb 2020 14:01:53 +0200

Spring Boot2.x Integrated kafka (windows integrated environment + example explanation)

Learn kafka, this article takes you to the beginning. Article directory 1. Build windows integrated environment 1.1 java8 installation 1.2 zookeeper installation 1.2.1 download zookeeper 1.2.2 install and modify the zoo.cfg configuration file 1.2.3 setting the zookeeper environment variable 1.2.4 ve ...

Added by jbrave on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 11:54:17 +0200