Vue -- 03. Life cycle of Vue, asynchronous communication, calculation properties, slots, custom events, and final summary

1, Life cycle of Vue Official documents: Life cycle diagram    Vue instances have a complete life cycle, which is a series of processes from the beginning, such as creating initial platform data, compiling templates, mounting DOM, rendering update rendering, unloading and so on. We cal ...

Added by Aebx on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:07:55 +0200

Deploy APIs IX in K8S (non ingress)

Python wechat ordering applet course video Python actual combat quantitative transaction financial management system Deploy APIs IX gateway in K8S without using pvc brief introduction Because the company's project is ready for reconfiguration, now it make ...

Added by deansaddigh on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:07:06 +0200

Random sampling consensus algorithm (RANSAC) theory introduction and program implementation

1. Introduction to Random sample consensus (RANSAC) theory Ordinary LS is conservative: how to achieve the best under the existing data. It is to consider from the perspective of minimizing the overall error and try not to offend anyone. RANSAC is a reformist: first, assume that the data has some characteristics (purpose), and appropriately g ...

Added by simpjd on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 04:00:52 +0200

Redis big key problem and scan command

brief introduction Didn't you write an article earlier An implementation of like function Your article Some problems were also raised at that time, and today we will solve some of them start Let's talk about the background first to avoid the confusion of not reading the previous article Let's talk about the like function. Here we mainly so ...

Added by William on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:59:38 +0200

State mode of javascript Design Pattern

concept State mode: allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes. The object seems to modify its class. Start with the electric light Requirements: An electric lamp that realizes a switching function Code implementation: class Light { constructor() { this.state = 'off' // Default light off ...

Added by nowaydown1 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:28:50 +0200

Linux Performance Optimization -- disk performance and high I/O troubleshooting

Author email: Time: 14:39, May 16, 2021 Implementation environment: Linux System: ubuntu 18.04 CPU: 2 cores Memory size: 4G Disk capacity view: df For a disk, the most common performance problem is insufficient disk space, so let's first introduce how to check the disk capacity of Linux, and enter the following command o ...

Added by spiritssight on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:26:26 +0200

7-2 graphic card group game (60 points)

** 7-2 graphic card group game (60 points) ** Master the inheritance of classes, the use of polymorphism and the application of interfaces. Refer to the operation instruction for specific requirements 2021-OO operation-2 instruction for the 7th time v1 0.pdf Input format: Enter a string of numbers (1 ~ 4, integer) on one line, where 1 repre ...

Added by slands10 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:24:12 +0200

MyBatis L2 cache Association refresh implementation

1. Introduction to MyBatis cache Mybatis supports caching, but without configuration, it only enables the L1 cache by default, and the L2 cache needs to be manually enabled. The L1 cache is only relative to the same SqlSession. That is, for the same transaction, execute the same query method of the same Mapper multiple times. After the fir ...

Added by tready29483 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:20:30 +0200

Various ways for SpringBoot controller to obtain Post requests

0. Test tool postman Download address: 1. Receive Form data 1.1 basic receiving method 1.1.1 no notes @PostMapping("/hello") public String hello(String name, Integer age) { String str = "" + name + " : " + age; System.out.println(str); return str; } Test 1: Test 2: 1.1.2 annotated @PostM ...

Added by NewBob on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:18:13 +0200

Alibaba cloud builds ngrok to achieve intranet penetration

Intranet penetration must be necessary for comrades who develop wechat. Most people first think of going online to find all kinds of ready-made ones, such as sunny ngrok or sunflower, but there is no free lunch in the world, and the free ones will collapse!!! Now I'll teach you how to use it Alibaba cloud Build an intranet penetration with ngro ...

Added by big-dog on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 03:09:22 +0200