Building deep learning model based on Dockerfile (OpenPCdet)

Article catalogue Installation of docker (gpu) Installing the graphics card driver on Linux Install docker Install NVIDIA Container Toolkit Write dockerfile Docker image and container startup, packaging and export Some problems encountered: no module name 'pcdet' Take OpenPCdet as an example reference resources: [Docke ...

Added by shai1 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 11:49:39 +0200

Shandong innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition - grid event intelligent classification ERNIE online accuracy 0.74_ copy

Reprinted from AI Studio Project link Competition background Competition link: Urban grid management is to divide the urban management area into unit grids according to certain standards. By strengthening the inspection of the cell gri ...

Added by JustGotAQuestion on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 02:45:31 +0200

Preliminary study of Prophet time series prediction package 26

Timing analysis 26 Preliminary study on time series prediction Prophet package preface In the previous articles in this series, we introduced a variety of time series prediction techniques and models. We can see that the time series prediction technology is still very complex and the steps are cumbersome. Readers may remember that VAR model ...

Added by Lokolo on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 16:38:03 +0200

maskRcnn environment configuration (anaconda) (win10) and successful operation of mask_ Demo of rcnn-2.1 ipynb

1, maskRcnn environment configuration (win10) Let's first look at the configuration I successfully run: python3.6.13 tensorflow-gpu 1.5.0 scipy1.2.1 Keras2.2.0 cuda9.0 cudnn7.0 I The default Anaconda is installed MaskRCNN——01. Environment configuration (based on Anaconda) II Download the MaskRCNN source code and check the envir ...

Added by Gimpy on Sun, 06 Mar 2022 03:41:39 +0200

OpenVINO application case: deploy YOLO model to edge computing camera

1, Implementation path Deploy the YOLO model to the edge computing camera through OpenVINO. Its implementation path is: training (YOLO) - > transformation (OpenVINO) - > deployment and operation (OpenNCC). 2, Specific steps 1. Training YOLO model 1.1 installation environment dependency For installation details, see ...

Added by msimonds on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 12:50:11 +0200

Machine learning DeepDearm model

preface    convolutional neural network has made a breakthrough, and the effect is also very ideal. However, the learning process of convolutional neural network is difficult to explain theoretically, so it has been criticized by many people. Therefore, it is very important to visualize its learning process, and so is the purpose ...

Added by chipmunken on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 10:38:21 +0200

Handwritten VIO Chapter II IMU sensor from scratch

Chapter II IMU sensor Course Code: Reference blog: Homework 2 of handwriting VIO from scratch of dark blue College Using imu_utils tool generates the Allan variance calibration curve of IMU Error an ...

Added by jogisarge on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:54:40 +0200

Based on hongsoft face recognition technology, real-time identity authentication and check-in statistics of freshmen are realized

Due to the needs of work and business, the author has developed a set of freshman enrollment identity verification system, which is used to verify the identity of Freshmen in real time when they enter school (the Ministry of education requires freshmen to conduct face comparison when they enter school), and count the check-in situation of Fresh ...

Added by fatbobo on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:07:38 +0200

Python project practice: analyze big data with PySpark

Python project practice: analyze big data with PySpark Big data, as its name implies, is a large amount of data. Generally, these data are above PB level. PB is the unit of data storage capacity, which is equal to the 50th power of 2 bytes, or about 1000 TB in value. These data are characterized by a wide variety, including video, voice, pictu ...

Added by ztealmax on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 19:19:29 +0200

Detailed explanation of emotion analysis using two-way LSTM

1, Principle introduction RNN can remember context information, so it is often used to process time series data. In theory, RNN can memorize infinite length of historical information, but due to the accumulation of gradients, the amount of calculation is too large to be operated in practice. Therefore, in practice, RNN can only record the info ...

Added by Randomizer on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 16:53:07 +0200